Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

Biden wants all states to open vaccination to all adults no later than May 1.


They could announce they are open to all today, just like Alaska did. If the states aren’t a good way into their vaccination programs by May 1, they’ll just dump millions of people into the system. It doesn’t mean everyone will get an appointment on May 1, just that they can make appointments. Those appointments may be in late June.

I think my state will be well on its way to be in the final group by May 1, but we are already at 60+, 2 or more medical conditions and ag and grocery workers. On March 21, we add 3.5 million who are mostly restaurant and other front line workers, and I think people over 50. We have all of April to add most of the other priority groups and then fling open the gates to everyone on May 1. Who will be left?

I do think Biden is doing the best he can to get everyone vaccinated as soon as he can, but the May 1 announcement doesn’t change anything.


At least here in my neck of the woods, this will mean hundreds of appointments will no go to waste because those eligible for these particular appointments just do not care to (or cannot) show up.


I curious if anyone here on CC has opted for the J and J? I am considering it due to my relative fragility :slight_smile:

We are having a large (for us) closed clinic today. I did get an email saying I could sign up. I’m not sure why, since I’m fully vaccinated as of today and last I checked, I wasn’t on the state registration site anymore. But the funny/interesting part is that you can be 18-64 with a health condition. Figuring out which conditions qualify took a few extra clicks, but I believe they had a typo. Being overweight/obese counts, but they said anything over a BMI of 20 counted. I’m guessing they meant 25. I wonder how many people even noticed.

Utah is following Alaska and opening up vaccines for all over 18 April 1.


I preregistered this morning on the new MA website. Being 60 with none of the listed conditions, I expect to be called after May 1, assuming that MA opens on May 1 like Biden said last night.

I am puzzled by how some states are able to open up so early. Is is that so many of the people who are eligible aren’t bothering to get the vaccine? When I look at the numbers, MA is actually doing pretty good as far as % of the population vaccinated goes, but the large majority aren’t eligible yet. The governor and the teachers are fighting because he says there aren’t enough vaccines to cover both teachers and those over 65 and he refuses to prioritize teachers over the elderly. There is still huge dissatisfaction with how the rollout is going. Everyone wants a vaccine and everyone wants to be moved up the list. Essential workers don’t qualify yet and they are making noises too. Yet numbers wise, we are doing better than most other states.

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@BunsenBurner I agree with you that at least if vaccines are open to everyone by May 1st then places where appointments are open but not taken or where people are not showing up will now be available to all of us that want to get the vaccine.


Is there actually a choice available to most eligible people yet?

Obviously, people with medical reasons to need one versus another (e.g. allergies to specific ingredients) need to wait for the specific one, but others can take the first available one.

J&J will get you to “fully vaccinated” status sooner than starting a two dose vaccine the same day.

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BMI > 20 describes almost all of the adult population in the US, not just the two thirds who are “overweight” by the usual BMI > 25 definition.


Either not getting the vaccine voluntarily or (probably more likely in most cases) not being able to find one even when they are in the priority group. The latter are more likely to be left behind if the state moves on to the next priority group quickly.

@ucbalumnus I am aware of the differences in vaccines. I apparently have a sensitivity to the PEG in the mRNA vaccines. I should have asked, “Has anyone been able to get the J and J specifically.” I am meeting with my doctor today about this.

Yep. Anything under 18.5 is medically underweight and a red flag. 20 would not be correct for overweight.

Seems like a typo. I am at 24.9 BMI- time to start eating doughnuts! :joy:


On you can filter your search by which vaccine you are looking for and it will show you if its in stock. It looks like many of the CVS locations currently have only the J&J.


Thank you!

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CVS must vary. It’s where I’m getting Pfizer in PA and FIL just got Moderna in VA.

CVS does vary, even locally. I believe in my area they have added some CVS’ that do J and J. But I had an appt. at one that was doing Moderna and I know another one was doing Pfizer. There is just no way to know so I am going to call stores. Or maybe my doctor will have an idea.

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This was my experience with vaccine finder. Yes I was able to separate and only find places using JNJ.

Unfortunately by the time it showed up on vaccine finder (Michigan) it was already at the pharmacy and distributed. So yes you can view only the places that have a certain vaccine, just know that the information may be old.

This is only for pharmacies designed under the federal vaccine distribution system

I found that certain pharmacies are designed to be regional vaccine centers but that the other pharmacies in that area seem to be receiving JNJ. I think that in a couple of weeks once the JNJ vaccine becomes more widely available, you will be able to find which place has which vaccine.

This is only an assumption based on the very little I’ve explored vaccine finder. But I feel that very soon, it’s going to be much easier to find vaccines. And only for pharmacies designated under the federal vaccine system

I seem to be pretty good at finding vaccines but have had to cancel three. I have found vaccines for three friends :slight_smile: But now that I am looking more specifically I am a novice again :slight_smile: