Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

Thank you for the link. Youngest is 17, so it is important to find Pfizer. After an initial search, it seems Walgreens is the one we can go with. They all have it available, but it’s not her time yet. At least I know and can set up an account.

In FL looks like JnJ is becoming prevalent. Publix presently has signups for Moderna on certain days and JnJ on other days so you can choose. The health department however is now pretty much JnJ for a couple weeks. Some health facilities (if you signed up through them) are giving Pfizer.

My daughter and her boyfriend both received the J and J. We are trying to get one for my 93 yr old MIL, plenty of Moderna and Pfitzer available.

Very interested to learn why some prefer J andJ? My uncle who is afraid of reaction post vaccination is specifically looking to get J and J for the reason that it’s only one shot vs two. My personal preference is Pfizer based on a data coming from Israel with Moderna as a second choice.

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Some possible reasons that someone may prefer J&J:

  • Allergy or suspected allergy to ingredients in the others but not J&J.
  • Logistics of getting a vaccine appointment and getting to the vaccine appointment make getting one shot more doable than getting two shots. Consider people who work in person and do not have a lot of discretion in when they can take time off to go get the vaccine (granted, not the usual demographic of these forums).
  • If you start vaccination on the same day, J&J will result in full vaccination sooner than the two dose vaccines. This can be significant if one works in person in a high exposure environment like a grocery store or restaurant.

I have a question that I’m finding different answers to. After a year of being very careful (no stores, restaurants), I caught covid 9 days ago at a small porch gathering (small group of friends surprised me for my birthday, all but 2 were vaccinated). I secured a vaccine for the 22nd a few hours before learning I was positive. I’m still not out of the woods yet (day 9 of low grade fever). Do I have to cancel? I got one for my husband about 4 days after mine, he then came downstairs with a fever, cough, headache and runny nose (not even going to bother to test him). I’ve read it’s fine if you are no longer having symptoms, and also to wait 3 months. says the following:

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I am fine with any of the vaccines (as I think everybody should be, if no medical reasons otherwise)… just want a vaccine before big road trip in May. For me J&J would have advantage of only one trip, especially helpful if I use my WY appt (now allowing age 50+) next week. Or if that does not pan out, one-jab plan allows more runway.

Call your primary care physician and ask him/her if you need to wait to get your COVID shot.

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Michigan to open up vaccines for all adults April 5


Report from my brother at United Center - smooth sailing - huzzah! This temporary site is being run by FEMA, and is intended for underrepresented city zip codes. But thousands of non-Cook County seniors were able to book appointments before they put in restrictions, and they honored those appointments.

Kudos to the United Center Vaccine Injection Center.
I received my first dose this morning in the UC’s tent city and things could not have gone smoother. From the time I scanned in at the entrance until I exited was 30 minutes, which included the 15 minute “cool off time”, which was spent booking the second dose appointment through my mobile instrument.
As this center started taking reservations, there were reported issues at every step along the way, a situation about which I have been vocally present. But by Day 4, it was a well-oiled machine.
Signage was conspicuous. I was literally guided by a phalanx of workers to a parking space less than 2 blocks from the entrance. There was no waiting line to speak of. I felt pressured to keep up the pace throughout the labyrinth of tents. A salute to the Ft. Campbell, KY National Guard who staffed this effort, along with hundreds of others who kept us moving along. Dose 2 tucked in between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.


Also Detroit is getting a mass vaccination site. I think that Wayne county (Detroit) has been doing a good job and has been opening up to more and more groups. I hope if they open a mass vaccination site that it will be open to all Detroit, metro Detroit and any Michiganders who wish to be vaccinated.


That was not a very nice birthday present. Did you figure out who gave it to you (seems more likely to be one of the two unvaccinated ones)?

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I had Covid and there are some very new studies that show that people who have recovered show 50x the antibodies of a non-Covid-recovered person after just one shot. I am looking to get the J&J vaccine as supposedly that is better for people who have had the virus.

My mother got COVID 12/31 and had her first shot 2/15 and second shot 3/8 (her facility wanted her to have it regardless of the news that one shot is enough after COVID).

There is no definite universal answer but nurses have told me wait 30 days after symptoms subside. If you have had monoclonal antibodies, wait 90 days. But I have heard other things.

Ask your doctor. It really is about what the immune system is doing, I think.

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I got my first Pfizer shot in January at the long term care facility I work at. I got Covid 13 days later (my DH played cards with his friends and tested positive 4 days later, I tested positive 4 days after that). I missed my second shot, but got it 3 weeks later (4 weeks after testing positive). I discussed it with my doctor and as long as I had finished quarantine, didn’t have a fever and didn’t receive antibodies.

Was it symptomatic (other than on a test) for you, and how mild/severe was it if it was?

I had J & J today at a Walmart. I’m in a rural part of my state and we can see which vaccine is at the various sites. Moderna is the most common. I kept looking until I could get J & J because I wanted to be one and done and have the last chance of side effects.


I had a mild case but definitely felt sick. I felt like I had a fever (chills, aches, headache) but my temp never went over 99. I had a stuffy nose. I lost my sense of smell for a few weeks. My resting heart rate was higher than normal. In addition to the vaccine 13 days prior I took a Z-Pak, vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, low-dose aspirin and famotidine. I also avoided sleeping on my stomach.

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I think it’s a typo and they meant 30.

Otherwise I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. If my BMI went down to 20 I’d be seriously worried about my health! My target ideal weight is more in the 22 BMI range. (apparently at my age, that’s considered underweight – see BMI in the Elderly: What You Need to Know - The Geriatric Dietitian )

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