Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

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In Illinois it seems there are more appointments available early in the morning, 5-6am or so.

I was not saying the teenager was skipping the line. I confused things by mentioning two different things in the same paragraph. There are other posts here advising people to skip the line.

As for the teenager that is an essential worker - I know he is eligible. If he finds an appointment then good for him. But I think asking for hints on how to help a teenager is a bit much. If the teenager has older parents who are at risk, then they should be eligible themselves. MA is now open to everyone over 60. Of course, there are no appointments but that is another matter.

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his parents are in their late 50’s. So not eligible until the 5th of April. I hope you find an appointment. Please use the facebook group that was linked here.

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Question for NYC-ers:

Our nephew is coming in to visit us for a week. He is 16 and eligible in Texas due to asthma. DH wants to get him a vaccine if possible while he is here. Would it cause him extra problems to go back to NYC with only the first vaccine? Would he be able to find anyone to give him the second one?

Maybe @oldfort knows the answer.

Each county web site I visited (Texas) actually ENCOURAGES folks to get on multiple waiting lists. It’s not a problem for them. Some just say to take yourself off the waitlist if you find one elsewhere. Others state to cancel if you get an email offering an appointment. Others say that by not replying to the email within x time, they will take you off.

In Texas, tell them to follow @ClayJ on Twitter. He is our county judge in Dallas who seems to be in charge of the mass vaccine site in East Dallas (Fair Park). Yesterday or maybe the day before he tweeted that there were 1000 unclaimed vaccines for the last hour of the day and said “come and get 'em!” Might be worth a try. Any of the mass vaccine sites in DFW probably do the same.


@thumper1 They will be in the west for the next 2 months and are willing to drive a long ways for a vaccine. Right now they are trying for appointments in AZ since that would be logistically easiest (given where they’ll be living for awhile). They’ll figure out shot 2 once they get shot 1. As I said, they are willing to drive long distances if necessary.

From what I have observed from friends across the country, the ease of getting the vaccine really varies across states and counties. Since they are able to drive far at a moment’s notice, they might well get lucky. And they are extremely motivated…

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At the AZ mass vaccination sites you have an appointment set for shot #2 right after you get shot #1. A volunteer works with you on a time/date during your 15 min side effects wait.


@Nrdsb4 Thanks! They’ll be relatively close (less than 5 hrs away…lol) to Amarillo TX on March 29 and they have a big walk-up, first come-first serve vaccine clinic at the Civic Center. I think they will give that a try. Hopefully if they get in line super early, they can snag a shot.

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If you notice that residents at long term care were called out separately and they were eligible long time ago. The congregated living eligibility was just added recently. There are sites that do not support all eligibilities, as an example, Walgreens were only vaccinated people based on age, but not for medical conditions even though they were qualifying factors. The site I shared lets you go through the “eligibility questionnaire” and then show you sites you could sign up at. Not all sites will take all eligibilities because some of them are run by the state and some by cities/organization, etc.

I don’t know about other states, but I have noticed around NYC it is hard to get a second vaccine if you didn’t get the first vaccine with them. When you schedule the first one you would get the second one, but I was not able to secure the second one without the first one.
Maybe your nephew should get the J&J. D2 and her BF got J&J.

Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. DH is the one wanting nephew to get his now if possible, saying “I’m sure it will be fine” when I questioned the complications this could cause for him in NYC when he tries to get #2.

I thought of J & J also, but, since he’s 16, he can only take the Pfizer.

not sure college dorms fall under the intent of congregate living. Per teh NYS website:

  • disabilities
  • mental health
  • child and family services
  • temporar disability
  • addiction and support

That said, other states have included grad student teachers in the education priority.

A snapshot of why PA is doing so poorly on vaccine rollout. Our governor is useless unfortunately. Not sure what he was planning during the 9 months leading up to the vaccine rollout but it wasn’t planning for it.

@vpa2019 ugh! Both of my kids are in Pennsylvania!

For any Michiganders, here’s information about the vaccine clinic at Ford Field.

Big takeaways from me. Open to anyone who is eligible. 5,000 people a day.
Free transportation to those from the surrounding area
Free parking

After April 5, everyone over 16 eligible.

First 6 weeks, Pfizer. Last 2 weeks J&J

The Ford family donated the facility fee.


That is exactly what I saw when looking at the NYS guidelines. With all the messaging coming out of my son’s school as they currently battle an outbreak, if it were possible for college students to get vaccinated anywhere nearby using dorm/congregate living as a reason, they would for sure be sharing that info and strongly encouraging it. They want as many students to get vaccinated now if they are eligible.

I really hope that things open up soon. The article says

The state is set to get up to 22 million doses per week by the end of March, compared to about 5 million a week in mid-January, Wolf said.

Wondering if Wolf knows what he’s talking about because there are 12 million people in PA. A shipment of 22 million would have us finished in no time. And there’s no way PA has received 5 million doses a week in mid January…unless Wolf is selling them to other states :wink: or countries.

I also know a ton of people who aren’t in 1A who have received the vaccine so I’m also skeptical the state really knows how many people have been vaccinated as far as those administered by the state vs pharmacies/hospitals.


Another state opening the gates!

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Texas is opening it up to everyone next week. Finally!


WA DOH confirms that the federal guidelines will be followed (opening vaccinations to all on May 1st)