Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

Just offered to become son’s personal Vaccine Hunter if necessary at that point.


Wow, was that just announced BunsenBurner? I’m pretty much at the end of the line, so this is very encouraging news.


Marilyn, UW clinics and the Hutch site would be good bets. Also, Lumen field is quite well organized. A coworker finally got her shot, and she chose Monroe Fairgrounds. She said it was a drive through, and the organization was quite impressive.

Texas has opened up to anyone over the age of 16.


A friend is looking for vaccine in NJ. I haven’t done it in the last few weeks. It seems like they are all full. Anyone having luck here?

I had luck over the weekend and snagged a spot at Walgreens. Before then, I had only been looking at CVS, Rite-Aid, and Shop-rite. I think you just need to keep trying all 4 sites every morning and every night. New groups became eligible the last couple of weeks, adding tons of people to the pack looking for shots.


it sounds like next week a shipment of JnJ will be heading to the states again. that should help with the supply. Some appointments will always be limited based on staff. the mass sites will be able to do more.


I saw a headline blurb that said, would you receive a vaccine shot from a dentist?

I thought how ridiculous is that? A dentist puts shots into my mouth, I’m sure they can do a shot in the arm! Which one seems more difficult? SMH

My husband is on an injectable medication and gives himself shots all the time. This isn’t hard!

Why would we be concerned with who is doing the inoculation?


Do you know if J and J is just going to pharmacies? How can we find a J and J shot. Noone can tell me and I have asked MD’s, the state hotline, hospital systems and pharmacies.

i think some of it is going to the state itself . Florida unexpectedly got 42K extra JnJ and rolled them out to hard to reach places/people. (google that). NY when they got their bunch , had the Javitz center doing 50/50 with JnJ. i think next week when slots open up you will have to check. I have also seen JnJ at walmart a few weeks ago.

Here in CT, Stop & Shop has been giving J&J.


On Vaccine Spotter you can search by vaccine manufacturer:

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Thanks all!

Thanks to all you sent suggestions and links! My son’s 3 companions all got AZ appointments together for March 29th! Amazing. (My son was vaccinated early as a first responder but his friends are unvaccinated).

'Course now my 23-year old daughter in WA is feeling like May 1 when WA opens up is an eternity away. It is understandable since vaccine demand is very high in WA but still hard when appointments are open to all in the rest of the west and the variant surge is on the horizon.


Our Costco was administering J&J. Maybe they will in the other states?

I think everyone in WA is feeling that way right now!


Good for your son and his friends for making it their top priority to get vaccinated.


I sent my daughter a link to a site in Maine where people of any age can pre-register. She’s my kid who never responds to my texts, but in this case she wrote back, “Thanks, I just signed up!”


Listened to The Daily podcast today. The science reporter said that if you can find a vaccine, get it. I would have said to wait your turn before but now I think you should take the opportunity. But don’t lie

I’m paraphrasing but I think I’m pretty close :grin:


There is no waiting your turn in states which have gone to competitive free-for-all despite continuing shortages. Only about a third of the age-eligible US population has been vaccinated, and only about half of them have been fully vaccinated, and the different states are not that different in these percentages.

Of course, if your state or local area has a high rate of vaccine refusal, then there may no longer be shortages.