Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

Try this site. :blush:

NC is moving up the date for students in congregate living to be eligible to 3/31, open to everyone 4/7.


Florida announced that those 40 and up are eligible starting 3/29 and those 18 and up are eligible starting 4/5.


@deb922 Seems like one state after another is removing phase restrictions. I wonder how long WA will be able to delay. I canā€™t see them waiting until May 1. Public pressure is going to really ramp up once images of all ages lining up for vaccines in other states start hitting the news.

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California is 50 and up on April 1st and all adults on April 15th. I thought I was going to have to wait until summer, but I am now three weeks away! So happy!


We got our second Moderna dose yesterday in Virginia. Arms are much more sore this time but that is all H has so far. Iā€™ve got a very dull headache and general tiredness but not too bad. Felt a couple chills but nothing major.Iā€™m relieved to have gotten both shots now but will be very happy when adult sons have gotten theirs too. Good luck to those still waiting!


Neither MN nor PA seem poised to open it up to everyone. Iā€™m still hopeful that theyā€™ll both meet the presidentā€™s May 1st deadline.

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It is unlikely that all of the people who become eligible on April 15 will be able to get an appointment on April 15 or within a few days after at their convenience. Most likely, it will be a competitive hunger game initially for each new priority group until most of the people in that group have gotten the vaccine. And if the backlog of 50+ from April 1 has not been worked through, that will make it even more competitive on April 15.

You repeatedly call this a competitive hunger game type scenario. I understand that there are many disadvantaged people who have a hard time getting an appointment. I have personally helped quite a few in different states across the US.

I know that I have been able to get people in CA appointments within a few days every single time I have tried. There are appointments available. I have complete confidence that I will be able to get my shots very quickly after I am eligible without cheating, line jumping or taking another personā€™s appointment.

I am very comfortable receiving my shot when it is my turn because I have not just complained about the roll out, but I have been proactive in helping others. I deserve my turn and I deserve to be happy about it without having to feel like I have somehow done something wrong. It is what it is. I choose to make the most of it for myself and every single person I can help.

There is a bright side coming and it is not all oppressive doom and gloom.


Wolf is barely involved. Heā€™s a complete moron. Heā€™s lost control of the situation. I just received an email from my county stating it will take 3 more months to finish the 1A eligible group. Thatā€™s ONE county. Biden said May 1 everyone is eligible? Sureā€¦theyā€™ll be getting vaccinated in October. People are just getting the vaccine if they can.

I strongly encourage your D is try and sign up whenever she can. I know more people than I can count who are not 1A who have already received the vaccine. Itā€™s been happening for months because no one trusts the government to get it right. Philly mayor burned that bridge early on and Wolf has done nothing to improve it. Iā€™m not even sure the state has an accurate count of who has and hasnā€™t received it.

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Itā€™s been the hunger games from the beginning. These states are just officially recognizing whatā€™s going on.

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My daughter would never jump the line, she just wouldnā€™t. If she has to get vaccinated when sheā€™s done for the year, then hopefully MN will be in a better place than Delaware/Montgomery counties in PA. Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll probably need a vaccine to attend college in the UK next year (should it not be canceled), so itā€™s just important that she get it during the summer, I guess. As an aside, my husbandā€™s command has finally reached out to all the active duty Marines and asked them to reach out to the local VA, which apparently might begin vaccinating them soon.


I think AZ has done exceedingly well.


As the past actions indicate, WA will adhere to the announced schedule. There is also no option to pre-register for future dates. And I know of at least two folks now who were asked for proof of their eligibility and were turned away (which I think is a good thing).

@loveorangecats Iā€™m so happy for all of us in California that we will finally have the chance to get vaccinated. And Iā€™m especially happy for my mid 20ā€™s D2 who has been living with us this past year and working from home that she will finally have the opportunity to return to a more normal life!


@ucbalumnus I have a lot of family in Riverside County and they have way more vaccines than people getting appointments for vaccinations. I looked online today and if I was eligible I could easily get an appointment at multiple places at any time I wanted to and I could even pick a place based on the vaccine I wanted.

I am happy that not only myself, but the rest of my family here in California will be able to get vaccinated and we can see our loved ones again. I hope by June I will actually get to see my Grandmother!


I really want CA to be successful in accelerating their vacations. My S wants to get back to the valley.


I hope that we can retire the words, hunger games.

It seems to me that the government and (most) of the states are doing a really good job getting vaccines administered.

And now most states have decided that giving the people a date when all will be eligible is good for the morale of their citizens. And gives them hope. It no longer seems that people are having a ton of trouble finding a vaccine if they try.

Now I know itā€™s not equal. And skews towards a certain demographic. But itā€™s getting better, Iā€™m seeing outreach and Iā€™m getting notifications that I can sign up for a vaccine. Itā€™s only going to improve.

And boo to those governors who arenā€™t. Go faster, you can see it can be done! Boo to the governors of Washington, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Did I miss any other slow moving states?


CT will also be dispatching 35 mobile units. These will go to places where people are who might not be able to get to a vaccine site. I will sayā€¦new vaccine sites are opening daily here. Itā€™s amazing really.


In looking at the numbers of vaccinations per 100,000 those states are doing much better than a lot of others. They are getting more people vaccinated than my state and I think my state is doing a great job.

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