Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

I am getting moderna.

They are saying a big shipment of J&J is coming to MA. However, I am not sure if they ll distribute them to all or keep for specific programs. Last week one of my friends found out J&J availability to sites BUT you had to be a resident (for example one such site was in Haverhill). They are also starting vaccinations to home bound individuals so they might funnel most of J&J there.

I have asked my doctors, the hospital system, and local CVSā€™ as well as called the state hotline. No success in finding J and J but I am watching news alerts. They need to start thinking about those few of us with sensitivities!

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I just checked MA vaccine finders/angels facebook and it looks like people were able to get J&J this morning though CVS.

In CT, some Stop and Shop stores are giving J and J. @compmom arenā€™t there Stop and Shop stores in MA? Inquire there.

Got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine this morning at Ford Field in Detroit. Went very smoothly. They had lots of volunteers and everyone was very friendly. :sweat_smile:


Here in WA, Costco administers J&J at their mass vaccination site (not sure what they do in stores).


Posted this on another thread:
I just called an immunologist I used to see for a second opinion. I have been cleared by an allergist already who expects a reaction but not a dangerous one. The immunologist office transferred me to an allergy nurse hotline through MGH Brigham and the nurse was fantastic. She read through all the notes from the allergist and made me feel more reassured because he fully acknowledged my issues on paper in a way he didnā€™t really on Zoom. The nurse told me that getting the vaccine on the MGH campus is a good idea, and that they may have some J and J on hand if I ask. They are holding it in reserve. I called the vaccine line at MGH but they cannot tell me. I feel a little better.


The Javits Center in NYC opened appointments for J&J again after a couple weeks without. They are during the day, starting on March 31st. (In case anyone is looking.)


We have a dilemma in my house. My daughter and I are scheduled for our second dose at a pharmacy that is a five hour round trip away- but today I was offered second dose appointments only ten minutes from home. It would mean not missing an extra day of work and rehearsals, and not using a whole tank of gas (which I really cannot afford at the moment)ā€¦ butā€¦ I know the party line is itā€™s best to get the second where you got the first. So Iā€™m torn for now. Iā€™m leaning toward the original place but damn itā€™s gonna suck for my gas budget and my daughter (itā€™s a really important rehearsal).

Is it? Have not read anything of that nature, although many sites will give you a second appointment if you get the first vaccine there.

But make sure that the new place is offering the same vaccine as the one you got before.

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Verify the same manufacturer and jump on that! No reason to drive that far.


In my state, you get your second shot wherever second shots are available. Just have to have the vaccine card on hand to show as a proof you got the first shot.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hearing locally, that second doses are allocated when a patient gets a first, so to go elsewhere messes up the whole system. The appointment I was offered is second-dose only, so there is obviously a need for that and pharmacies filling it. I have the worry that original doses meant for our seconds would go to waste if we go elsewhere, but also appts are booked solid there, so Iā€™m sure someone would want them.


If you cancel ahead of time, the doses and time slots can be allocated to other first or second dose appointments.


GO TO THE CLOSEST PLACE! Yes, Iā€™m yelling. Friendly yelling! Donā€™t worry, save the gas and time!


As vaccine supply increases, there is less and less need to keep the second doses in storage for first dose recipients. Some local places donā€™t even make second appointments. They tell you to look for second dose clinics and try to alternate between the first/second dose days.

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@compmom soā€¦do you have an appointment at MGH?

Both DH and I will have gotten second shots NOT at the same location as the first. No one cares. Go wherever you can get your second shot of the the same vaccine. You donā€™t need to drive to Timbuktu to do this.

@milgymfam for all you know, there is someone at the place that is far away for you who lives closeby and would LOVE to get an appointment nearer to where they live.

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NJ just added some more groups to the eligibility list and it include librarians! I just thought that was interesting.