Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

A library is an indoor space that may have lots of people who stay there (reading books) for quite a while, so one person there for a while could fill the library with virus droplets.

But then isn’t NJ already making at least 2/3 of adults eligible for vaccine signups already?

NJ libraries are a mixed bag right now. Some are still closed, some are doing curbside pick up only, some are doing limited time browsing by appointment only, some have put away their computers and chairs completely so you can’t sit to do anything, some have limited time to 15 minute visits, etc. Yes, NJ has made almost the entire adult population eligible already. I am in complete support of librarians getting vaccinated, since they are dealing with the public in an indoor space, if anything they should have been on the list earlier in the process.


What’s the point? Keep adding people until you’ve added almost everyone?

It’s like being picked last in gym class? Who’s going to be the sorry person who doesn’t qualify?

At this point, just open up the state to all!


H and I just scheduled our first Pfizer vaccines for next Friday since we are eligible as of 4/1. It’s going to be a really Good Friday for us!


Well in a surprising turn of events, my daughter (20s) got her vaccination. We all thought it’d be May before she’d get it. But Thursday night, she was got an email from work that ski instructors are eligible now as educators. Got on and scheduled a shot for the next day. Plenty of spots available state-wide. We did have to drive 70 miles but that is because of where we live (middle of nowhere). She got it in a Safeway pharmacy. She did not have to show eligibility proof but did have to show proof of WA residency. Note, friends in Seattle did say they had to show proof (pay stub, work id, etc).


I’m super frustrated by this in NY. I know it’s not going to matter in a few weeks and everyone will be eligible, but the small groups of workers who were able to successfully lobby and get included in the “line” just seems ridiculous at this point. No one in retail or working in a salon but everyone at the DMV. OK. I’m already eligible so it’s not personal. But it just seems so blatantly political, yuck.


My daughter just completed her vaccination earlier this week. She went to one of the state run FEMA sites. She was so impressed with how smoothly and efficiently everything went. When she got her first shot, they made her appointment right then and there for her second shot. When she went for her second shot, we was literally sitting in the chair getting her shot 5 min after she walked in.

All NYC employees are now eligible to get vaccinated (it would be an email from your respective HR departments).

I literally wrote letters for all of the GC interns and student teachers to get their vaccinations weeks ago as student teachers are covered under 1B eligibility with teachers.


Try the facebook page for vaccine hunters/angels for mass.


Try this site for MA. Green star means general vaccination site with available appointments: And here is the link to the Facebook vaccine hunter page: Vaccine Hunters / Angels Massachusetts | Facebook.

For other states go here to find the vaccine hunter/helpers in your state:

If anyone is in the St. Pete/Tampa area, there is a FEMA pop up site that will take an appointment now for anyone 18 and older for April 10th. PM me and I can give more info.

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Vaccine envy politics in the face of shortages and rationing seems to bring out the worst in people.

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Or a statement of what’s happening in reality.

Our mass vaccination clinic operation is still a head scratcher. Long lines the first day. Then I thought things were going more smoothly. But then, it sounded like not many were taking appointments. They were taking walk-ins. Then apparently word got out to students about the walk-ins and they came flooding in from all over the state. That prompted a shut down of walk-ins and a big public announcement not to come without an appointment. Then Saturday I got a state health department text saying they had appointments for Monday-Tuesday and to share with anyone eligible. Sent it to my niece. I checked just now and not many appointments have been taken for tomorrow. They also to date have given out half the number of shots that they had hoped, but that may be because of supply. Anyhow, it’s been strange for sure.

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I believe our state is doing a fairly smooth job of vaccinating. They started with HCWorkers. Then they started with 75+ and folks in community living (like assisted living & nursing homes). They also vaccinated essential workers—teachers and grocery staff and then bank employees. They then got to 65+ and are finally dropping to 60+ & folks with medical conditions.

It has been a very deliberate process and people are getting appointments and vaccinated. Our governor estimates everyone 16+ can make an appt by mid-May. There are a few mass val sites and many pharmacies and med centers giving fax too.

Polls have indicated >90% of our state wants vax, so hesitancy doesn’t appear to be a major issue.


Ohio starts vaccinating all who want it who are 16 and older today. I got my 2nd Phizer saturday. I was pleased other than a sore arm and just slightly tired I was fine. I had the day planned so I wouldn’t have to do much so it was rather relaxing.


NYS just announced that 30+ will be eligible to book appointments at 8am tomorrow and 16+ will be eligible on April 6!


Any idea why NJ is so slow? Most of the country will have opened shots to all adults before May 1.
For anyone near Greensboro or Burlington, NC, still hundreds of appointments are available this week.

PA is right there with them. But NJ changed their eligibility rules because they added in BMI of 25 and over (overweight) so that added many more people without changing the current “phase” they’re in. It’s all in the details lol

Interestingly, I found 6-7 CVS pharmacies in Philly last night with a large number of appointments right around midnight. Of course only Philly residents can go but there are shots available if people want them.

If anyone wants a vaccine all you have to do is come to GA, but outside of metro atlanta. The whole state in the southern half has vaccines all the time. We are worse in the country with getting vaccines into arms. Many of the rural folks are afraid of future side affects and would rather get Covid.

My county opened up the county vaccination site to 50 and up on Sunday. The rest of the county opens up for 50 plus on April 1st. My county and the county south of me seem to be suddenly getting a lot of supply. The CVS website shows availability added daily. The county site still has some spots open this week. The county site is roving between three areas. The present location is probably more hesitant so if one is willing to drive you can get an appointment. I think once they open all locations in the county to 50 things will fill up fast.
The county my sister lives in and the counties surrounding her don’t have any availability. I’m not sure how it all works.