Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

DeWine, Ohio’s governor announced today that they will be focusing on vaccinating college students next week (hmmm…should have done that before spring break!). Ohio is open to 16 and up as of March 29 but he said they are going to have specific clinics on college campuses for better effectiveness as college students are often carriers.


Excited to get my chip, oh I mean vaccine, tomorrow!


Amarillo, TX became a destination hotspot for some Coloradans I know. Plentiful vaccine availability and no residency requirement lured them there.

Yep, stupid phone.

It will be a while before all Seattleites who want a vaccine will be able to get one, no matter that the state is opening to all adults on April 16. If supplies don’t increase soon, could still be a couple of months before that’s done. I’m not sure our son can take the time to travel to the eastern part of the state but we’ll see how things are looking in a couple of weeks.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan applauded Inslee’s decision saying opening up vaccine eligibility will reduce confusion and get vaccines to more people as quickly as possible.

However, Durkan added that “the demand for vaccinations far outpaces our current supply” saying she will work with the governor to help get more doses to the region.

According to the mayor, Seattle’s appointment waitlist is nearly seven times the weekly supply.

I am a helicopter mom. I just got my 23-year-old daughter a vaccination appointment on April 10. I know I should have let her do it, but what the heck. It’s been a horrible year for her and she’s had a very positive attitude the whole time. She deserves a break.

It will be a four-hour round trip for her (twice), so I will try to find something closer. But worst case, she is set! And as she pointed out, this trip isn’t so bad when you consider that her older brother is seriously thinking of flying home from Lebanon to get vaccinated.

I will sleep well tonight.


No need to call yourself a helo mom for that. There are plenty of people using their time to help others who are quite capable but don’t necessarily have time to spend finding an appointment.

Full disclosure…I booked my almost 22 y/o’s appointment. She is a full time college student who also works 25 hrs a week. Though she wanted the vaccine, I knew if left to her own devices, it would take her much longer to find an appt when I have loads of free time to do it for her. I asked her if she wanted my help and she gratefully accepted. She has already had two close contacts at work that required quarantines so as soon as she was eligible, I booked it. It helped with me on East Coast time, I was able to hop on Walgreens as soon as they released the appts in her area on the West Coast while she was still sleeping.

My 20 y/o made his own appt, but called me first so I could help him answer some of the questions being asked as he filled out the registration.


No judgement here - I made an appointment for my 34 year old S. Getting an appointment in the NYC area requires the ability to sit and refresh pages non-stop in hopes of snagging an appointment. I had the time – he does not.


I absolutely plan on helping my 33 year old son when he becomes eligible because he is a big procrastinator. Even though he says he wants to get his vaccine as soon as he can, I know he will not be obsessed like I will be!


I booked the appointment for my 22yo D. I am in the IT field and on my computer all day anyway while she works. I also help out many friends as well.


I don’t know if anyone here is looking for appointments in or around NYC, but as of 5 minutes ago there seems to be a huge drop of appointments at the Javits Center, Aqueduct, and some of the city-run sites. Since the state is opening up to the 16+ category tomorrow, I suspect these will be gone soon.

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Virginia is opening up to all 16+ on April 18th. The current wait time in our county is about a week from sign up to ability to schedule appointments. There are the pharmacy sites, too and more of those are coming on line. They are also opening a mass vaccination site I am hoping it continues to go smoothly now since the positivity rate is climbing again.

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I absolutely have helped my adult kids find appointments, and did actually book my college son’s appointment. I’m the one with time, and am frequently awake at odd hours when it’s easier to find openings. I’m glad they are all finally eligible and have had their first dose.
Here in AZ it’s harder but not impossible to get an appointment since eligibility has opened up to everyone 16+. DH the pharmacist had several cancellations a couple of days ago and sadly, couldn’t find a taker for the last shot of the day. He’s been giving vaccines since mid January and that’s the first to go to waste. All the store employees have already had a vaccine if they wanted it, the store customers in that area are nearly all over 65 and have been vaccinated, and the people on the cancellation call list don’t answer their phones.

When my adult kids got on the waitlist at CVS I told them that they needed to answer their phones. Most of us don’t answer numbers we don’t know.
I made my 26 yr old D her appointment. I texted her when I found the slot and she was in the middle of something and asked if I would book it for her. I’m glad I did because since that time there has been no availability.
The two who got off the wait list at CVS I was the one who found out about it. I put them on the list at one pharmacy as I had to call about a prescription. My D put herself and her brother on at another location. We are all invested in all of us getting vaccinated.


Mine made both of their appointments, but I did all of the research. younger S got it through my (our) employer, so he had to do it himself. Older S I found the options and let him pick the day/time since he did have to travel. I have zero problems with parents doing it for their adult children. As someone else said, often we are the ones who have the time to figure it out.

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I made the appointment for my 23-year old D. She desperately wanted it (and was eligible) but would have just procrastinated. Also she was under the impression that appointments are hard to get, which is untrue in our area. You can easily get them for the next day (1-2 hr drive).

Oh, good, I feel better now about having made my daughter’s appointments. Thanks for sharing.

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Back when MA first started preregistration for the mass vaccination sites three weeks ago, I signed up. In the meantime, I found an appointment at CVS and received my first shot this week.

Well, I just got a notification from MA that it is my turn to sign up and I have until tomorrow to do so. There doesn’t seem to be anyway to say “never mind, I don’t need it now”. I did click unsubscribe but I doubt that will give my appointment to someone else. I assume when I don’t sign up, someone else will eventually get notified, but they should give you the option to opt out right away.

@me29034 , I also signed up for the prereg, and it stated not to bother contacting them if you get a vaccine somewhere else sooner. I guess the system is designed such that we just ignore them and they contact someone else! I get my second Moderna dose Monday, and have not yet heard from the state reg site as yet. Been on the list for almost 2 months.

Well the clinics and hospital systems you signed up with are not holding a vaccine just for you. They send out thousands of “okay, it’s your turn” notices but only have vaccine for a fraction of those on the list. You still have to make an appointment for a specific time and if you don’t, someone else will take that appointment.