CP (College Prepatory) Classes

When entering my coursework, do I input “college” or "none for CP classes? Thank you!

Are talking about Category G courses?
(G) College-preparatory elective

UC-approved high school courses:

One year (two semesters), in addition to those required in “a-f” above, chosen from the following areas: visual and performing arts, history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory science and language other than English (a third year in the language used for the “e” requirement or two years of another language)

Category G is a UC requirement.

No, not a category g course. For example I’ve taken CP Algebra 2, CP English, CP Biology. And this is for the CSU application.

CP courses are just considered regular a-g courses. Only UC approved Honors, AP/IB or DE courses should be designated from the drop down menu. If you are a California resident, you can see which of your HS courses are considered “UC approved” on this link. Just type in your HS name to get your course list.
