I got denied from all the UC’s save for UCR, UCM, and UCSC. At this point, I think SDSU and CPP would be better options for me; I got accepted into computer science at these unis.
CPP is a winner academically… but experience-wise, it can’t hold up to SDSU’s campus, location, and social scene. I’ve also heard that SDSU’s location has many employment opportunities comparable to those around CPP, so I’m not sure how much of an advantage I’d have attending CPP.
SDSU is far from home as well, which I think is great. I need some change in my life. CPP, on the other hand, is a mere 10 minutes away.
But I’m unsure if I want to stick with computer science as my major. The field of biology interests me as well. SDSU has more majors to choose from, but CPP’s majors may hold more weight on my resume in both these fields.
Help me out?
@mocklee It seems that you have so many questions in your mind. All I’d like to say to you is maybe do a little bit of outside research on the majors you are considering, and try to get a better grasp on each of them. Also, go to visit each of the campuses and see which school you value more. Good Luck! 
Congrats! you have several great options available. If you can afford it, do the freshman dorm thing at SDSU. You will have the time of your life and will have experiences not possible under your parent’s roof. If not, CPP is a great option - you will miss the live-in freshman thing but will still get a great education.
For computer science, I’d look closely at UCSC. The program is very strong, well-recruited, well-located wrt Silicon Valley.
SDSU’s academics are quite strong and in fact stronger than CPP’s, overall, even if for the sciences they’re about equal.
@MYOS1634 well i didnt apply to ucsc so i dont wanna hear about how good their comp sci is
“I got denied from all UC’s save for UCR, UCM, UCSC” = I didn’t apply to ucsc ? 
What about elc ? Statewide ? No chance at ucsc through that ?
I’d go with sdsu if your only choices are sdsu or cpp
Those were actually 2 different people haha