<p>Let's come up with some good ideas to ask ppl out besides just walking up them and saying "would u go out with me?"</p>
<p>Buy them some In-N-Out.
Buy them a cookie.
Go into every single one of their classes every period and give them something each time.</p>
<p>Too bad where I live, blasphemy I know, doesn’t have In-N-Out lol.</p>
<p>Just invite them to a movie some time, and start talking to them a lot…buying them things before going out with a person for a while is kind of creepy.</p>
Now that IS creepy.</p>
<p>^ Agreed. I just didn’t want to say anything.</p>
<p>Well, unless you’re already good friends.</p>
<p>I used to be good friends with this girl last year, but this year we have just one class together. And since we don’t see each other much, we don’t talk very much. Plus it seems its impossible to ever find her alone (there’s always friends around her).</p>
<p>I’m planning to ask her to the upcoming dance. Anybody tell me if this is a good idea?</p>
<p>Basically, we have 8 classes, of which the last period I have class with her. In the 7 periods before the last one, I ask her teachers to give her mini cards (written by me) with about 2 sentences each saying sweet things. On the last period, she doesn’t get any but as we walk out in the end of the day, I call her out and pop the question (revealing the cards were from me).</p>
Eh, I don’t know I would just feel really creeped out by the pure extent that this goes to… lol. Personally I would rather someone just flat out ask instead of trying to like… impress me into saying yes.</p>
<p>Just ask her when you have any time together at all alone (preferably out side of class). I’m sure you could make that happen, and hopefully she’ll say yes. In high school, there is really no need to go overboard for the dances IMO.</p>
<p>“pop the question” </p>
<p>Sorry, have to laugh. It reminds of a marriage proposal.</p>
<p>Just ask them to do something unconventional as a date, like hiking, boating, fishing, outdoor stuff. It’s cheaper (sometimes free) and more fun than trying to sit in a restaurant or at a dance making small talk.</p>
<p>I’d seriously just ask instead of being overly showy or anything, like, as the saying goes, the worst case scenario: no. And if she had no interests in you in the first place, it probably wouldn’t matter what you tried to do to impress her or the method of asking.</p>
<p>Ooooh, I wish the pickup lines thread wasn’t deleted because I heard a rather clever one the other day:</p>
<p>“If I were to ask you for sex, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?”</p>
<p>Lol, unfortunately a “maybe,” ruins it, so you need to add the “yes or no” caveat before the beginning somewhere. Or just say that maybe doesn’t answer anything and that it was already implied that it would be a maybe from the beginning. Or ask the person to give probabilities. ;D</p>
Hahaha, that’s awesome.</p>
<p>your idea is creepy.</p>
<p>just fine some time alone with her and ask her if she’d like to go to the dance with you. it’s that simple. you can buy her a rose if you want, that’s cute without going overboard.</p>
<p>This one guy I know asked out this girl by giving her like 3 dozen roses, and on each one of the roses, he wrote something he like about her. She said yes, but she broke it off a few weeks later lol… and I’m glad, because that kid is a ******bag.</p>
<p>I’m just thinking. I gave my friend an Eid present this year, because he’s on exchange from Turkey and was probably missing Eid celebrations since we don’t do anything for it really in America. So I just gave him a little card with some probably awful Turkish and a chocolate that it turned out he didn’t even like. But he was <em>so</em> happy when he got it and I think, if I had wanted to, and I had asked him out then, he would have said yes (I begged him to come to homecoming with me after giving it to him and though he said just said maybe then, he did come with me in the end).
So if you;re already sort of cool with the person, I’d do something like that. It’s endearing.</p>