@GTAustin and anyone else in the know, I was pretty sure that as part of CS2 DS was supposed to take the honors section of discrete math (CS 2305) but when he went to register he was told that the honors section “didn’t exist” even though it’s in the course book. I know of at least one other student in the same situation (there are likely many more). Should DS contact someone about this? The honors advisor didn’t seem too familiar with CS2 and he needs to take CS 2305 this semester for the courses he needs to take next semester.
I would contact Dr. Page and let him know that at least this one adviser is giving bad information and I would tell the adviser the details about the honors class that you want to sign up for - the days, time and teacher and just request that class only. Don’t worry about not having a spot because they will only allow CS2 students to sign up for it and there will only be 30 students.
Also, @3scoutsmom, I would have your son do the communication and not yourself. You can stand over his shoulder but he needs to do it.
@GTAustin Thanks for the advice I’ll have him contact Dr. Page. I’m not sure what gave you the idea that I would be contacting anyone. I don’t do any communicating for DS I wasn’t even in the building during his registration meeting with adviser, I was hanging out at the SU:-)
I was just trying to clear up what I wrote when I kept saying “I” when my suggestions were really for your son and not yourself. Sorry!