CSS Parent Question

<p>Hey. So I'm confused on what to put for my parent status on the CSS. I live with my guardians (who are my grandparents and married) but my parents were never married.</p>

<p>So for the current marital status of my biological or adoptive parents should I put never married (referring to my biological parents) or married (which means my guardians would count as my adoptive parents). </p>


<p>Are your grandparents your legal guardians - by court order? If so, then your biological parents are out of the picture and have nothing to do with this at all.</p>

<p>And if, in fact, your grandparents are your legal guardians, then they would have no financial responsibility for you after your turn 18 . . . which means that colleges will consider you an independent student, and your grandparents’ marital status, finances, etc. would have no bearing on your eligibility for financial aid.</p>

<p>I think maybe you need to go back and start the form over again . . .</p>

<p>If your grandparents are not your legal guardians by COURT ORDER, then the paent who has the most in the way of assets/income is your primary/custodial parent for FASFSA and PROFILE purposes and the other parent is your non custiodial parent for PROFILE purposes.</p>

<p>Are you by any chance an international student,or have non citizen/ non resident parents?</p>

<p>did your grandparents legally adopt you? If not, then you will never be using their info. If they did, then they are now your parents and you will use their info.</p>

<p>Were your grandparents appointed your legal guardians by a court proceeding? If so, then you will be considered “independent” for FA purposes and you won’t use your parents’ income. </p>

<p>If your grandparents have only informally been acting as your guardians, then you need to use a parent’s info…the parent whose income is the highest.</p>