<p>I found the following Q&A in the Help section of the Profile Online site. Does anyone know if it is true? And if yes, does anyone know if any Financial Aid offices share that information with their Admissions offices? Does it negatively affect someone's admission chances?</p>
<p>Q: Will the colleges be able to see the other institutions I applied to?</p>
<p>A: Your PROFILE report, which goes to all of your colleges and programs, shows all of the colleges and programs you selected to receive your PROFILE information. Each college or scholarship program determines how the information is used, but typically, it is used for reference and research purposes and does not impact the financial aid decision made by the college or program. If you have specific questions, please contact your financial aid office.</p>
<p>It depends on the school. At the ivies, and need blind schools the admissions and the FA offices operate as separate entities.</p>
<p>Keep in mind that the overwhelming number of colleges are need-sensitive/need aware. This means when it comes down to 2 similiarly qualified candidates, the student needing the least amount of the schools resources will get the tip.</p>
<p>when you file the FAFSA, other schools will see the schools that you have applied to.</p>
<p>Outside of the need for aid, if an admissions office knows which other schools a student has applied to, can that negatively impact the student’s chances of being admitted?</p>
<p>Yes, it is possible. It does not happen most of the time because it is not an easy or reliable matrix to take that into consideration. According to the counselors at my sons’ schools, they have seen no impact of that in the many applications that kids have filed in the many years in the college admissions field.</p>
<p>That said, it is possible. Some colleges have the same person doing admissions and financial aid. If such a person took it in mind to use that info or if it subconsciously affected his decisions, yes, it could happen. However, the overall data does not appear to affect this according to those I know in the field.</p>