<p>Is not having the golden four completed by the end of fall an automatic rejection for CSU? I haven't completed math but plan on taking in spring 2014. Will this more than likly keep me from being accepted?</p>
I know this is an old post but I’ll answer anyway because it could help someone out in the future… I was told the same generic “Complete the golden four as soon as possible because it will affect your eligibility to transfer!” But have not gotten a definite NO, it has to be done before you apply. I’m in remedial algebra myself and planning on taking Stats next sem. You still have a chance but those of us who don’t have the golden four done upon application will likely be at the back of the priority line as far as that goes. Provisional acceptance is still possible though, which is holding a spot for you so long as you complete it by the Spring sem. I sincerely hope that they take GPA into more consideration than simple completion. I have 3 As in the other golden areas, and a 3.82 transfer GPA so it seems silly to me that they would take someone with a less favorable academic record than me simply because of one course… the politics of it though, can never know for sure
I know sonic up there wound up at ucla because I stalked the ucla forum last year
Anyway, as someone that applied to CSULB FOUR times, the Golden Four was the only thing that was lacking. I had applied to CSULB after two years at my CC and I had never taken a communications class. Other than that, I had everything completed for my major and a 4.0 GPA - rejected. I take another year at CC so I can apply to places like the UCs and one private (USC). I decided to apply to CSULB yet again and once again, was rejected with a 4.0. I take a 4th year at CC because I didn’t have luck with the UCs or USC, so I apply for CSULB spring admission while finally taking that communications class - rejected yet again even though it was in progress. My GPA after that fall semester had dipped down to 3.8/3.9. I apply one last time and try other CSU’s along with lots of UC’s and USC again because I want to get out of here. CSULB finally accepts me now that I have a grade for that missing Golden Four course. It really seemed like that was the only thing holding me back. I also have no idea what I did differently for the UCs/USC because every school that I had been rejected to the year before, accepted me even though my GPA had dipped.
I have no idea if it’s going to change for this year, but I would really get those Golden Four done. I had wanted to attend CSULB so long, but 3 rejections made me like them less
It could be that the course in the CSU Golden Four that finally made you admissible to CSULB was also something that the UCs and USC really wanted to see.
Omg…! Don’t scare me lol. Well since he got into UCLA with it in progress, that gives me hope.
I took communications already so… maybe it has a higher priority than Math?
With math you may need to fulfill lower level pre-reqs so if they see you’re at least working towards it they might consider it. Communications doesn’t have pre-reqs though, so there’s no excuse to not take it ASAP. Maybe that appears as a red flag for people who go out of their way to avoid it… Communications is useful in any major regardless; skills necessary for school and life in general. I’m amazed that it took you 4 years to take it XD
Very true. Communications/a speech class was basically my biggest enemy. I had no confidence in public speaking after spending my elementary school years in speech therapy and ESL classes, so maybe USC and UCLA liked that I took a class I was so afraid of.
@shellebelle212 I wouldn’t worry that much
I had always thought that having math in progress before applying to a UC meant an automatic rejection, but he got in with it in progress, as you mentioned. I avoided that speech class like the plague… Still though, for CSULB it seems like having speech and finally completing the Golden Four is what made them want me at last.