<p>I know this is a UC transfer section, but I'm working on my CSU application as well and I just want to ask a question, since some of you might be considering CSU as well.</p>
<p>1.The application seems quite different from the one for UC. I was not asked to input all the college courses I've taken, instead I was asked to input the classes in progress and planned, and the so-called golden-four courses on the application. It's really great, because inputting all the classes is such a tedious job. I just want to confirm if it is really so. </p>
<li>And for the All transferable undergraduate college work GPA, can I just input the GPA I got when I applied for TAG? I mean I have not really calculated my over-all GPA myself( even tho it is obvious). I remember that when I applied for TAG, I input all the courses from all colleges I've been to on the TAG application, and it seems that the system automatically calculated my GPA for me. So I assume the calculation they made is pretty valid, so can I just use that ?</li>