CSU application - academic status question

For the CSU application, I have to put my academic status like freshman, sophomore, etc…

I have attempted 60-89 units starting Fall 2022, and the “transfer credit entry guide” on page 9 says to put my status as junior. I’m confused since you can’t be a junior if you’re attending community college.

Should I put my status as junior or sophomore?

If you are transferring as an upper division student.
Per the CSU website:
If you will have at least 60 semester or 90 quarter transferable units completed by the time you enter a CSU, you are considered an upper-division transfer applicant.

I would say you are a rising Junior, so when you matriculate, your entering as a JR.


I will be transferring as a junior. But when I’m at the Transcript Entry to submit all my courses, it asks me to select if I was freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior at the start of that semester.

With the guide that I mentioned, they say to put down “junior” if I’ve taken 60-89 units at the start of the semester I’m putting in courses for. I’m not sure if this applies to both community and 4-year university transfers. I’ve never taken any upper division courses.

Select Academic Status that corresponds to the number of credits completed at the
time you began that semester. Status definintions are as follows:
Freshman 0-29 semester credits
Sophomore 30-59 semester credits
Junior 60-89
Senior 90 or >

If the App is asking you to put down “Junior”, then you need to put down “Junior” so it doesn’t kick out your application.

The CSUs don’t expect you to have ANY upper division courses that have been taken at the community college. That’s what the CSU is supposed to provide. The “rest” of your degree will be “upper division” when you transfer. Unless they require a couple of GE courses for your major, you should be good to go.

If you want to be really sure whether or not you should put “junior”, you can always contact the Registrar’s office at the targeted CSU‘s where you hope to apply.

The reason I suggest the “Registrar” is because they deal with unit confirmation, calculation of completed transferable units and general diploma requirements.