CSU Fullerton Official Thread Class of 2027

Congrats!! Mine got hers yesterday! :partying_face:
Do you know if reserving housing before accepting the offer is possible?

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We had visited last April on a weekday late morning and the campus was very lively! Students seemed happy and while we were trying to find our way to the Welcome Center, some staff saw us looking lost and asked if they could help…so people definitely seemed very friendly. It is a nice urban campus with good access to surrounding urban centers if you can look past the horrible SoCal traffic (traffic around greater LA area felt insane to us visiting from the Bay Area). Like most CSUs, it is a commuter school, so I can’t speak to how it is on a weekend or in the evenings or what dorm life would be like. We had visited CSULB, CSUF, CPP and UCR that week and both my husband and I liked CSULB and CSUF very much for their more urban vibe. D preferred CPP (which was relatively quiet compared to CSUF ) and UCR.


My son got his for Theatre today, too!

Does anyone know when financial awards release?

Congrats! The BA program?

Yes, how about your daughter?

Yes, BA too. I think I saw you on the other MT page; he got a few options, right? Is he leaning toward a particular one?
She is waiting on a couple more, but CSUF is the most cost attractive.

Yes, he has several, with most being on the East Coast. We are working on the financials but I am happy he has a few choices near home. :slight_smile:

Now that my son has heard from all schools I think it’s looking like CSUF for Mechanical Engineering- he was really hoping for CPP but it wasn’t in the cards- but also we had only toured 2 schools to this point and CSUF wasn’t one of them. So interested in Freshman Dorm info- safety- are there any robotics type clubs (think like battle bots or building derby cars lol). Also interested in student mental health- are classes overly rigorous to the point of a breakdown? Interested in any info since we haven’t done any research on this school but it’s quickly becoming a top pick of the schools he was accepted to!

Also- if anyone has info on the meal plans- I’m super confused. I see the student union has many name brand places (Panda Express, Starbucks, etc)- but the meal plan doesn’t count for those places right? Just the Gastronome and campus dining establishments?

We will be there on the 15th for acceptance preview day but my mind is working overtime and I’m not good with being patient :rofl:

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Oh! One more thing- is CSUF Engineering more hands-on project based or book type studies… or combination of both? Any insights to the engineering programs is welcomed!

The Cal states in general are setup to get students in the workforce after graduation so they tend to be more hands on in their teaching approach.

Take a look at the ME courses and if they have for associated Labs with the lecture content that would mean some hands-on experience. All programs will have a combination of hands on and theoretical book based courses even the “learn by doing” teaching approach which is not limited to a specific group of CSU’s. I do not have direct experience with CSUF’s program but if you contact the ME department, perhaps they can have a student contact you about their experience?

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My son has just committed to ME at CSUF. To answer your question about the meal plan…. I did look into their options and it only includes meals at the Gastronome, not the fast food places (Panda Express, Pieology, Starbucks etc) that are located on the campus. But the meal plan does come with a “declining balance” of $200. It can be used at the Community Market and Late Night cafe. Unused Declining Balance can “roll over” from Fall Semester to Spring Semester but expires at the end of each academic year.

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Does anyone know when financial awards release

Anyone else accepting multiple offers/submitting multiple SIRs? In order to access the housing portal you have to accept the CSUF offer but admitted students day isn’t till the 15th and housing decisions won’t be available till June so…we are accepting both CPP and CSUF offers and then making a decision (if Jr. doesn’t decide to go somewhere else) in May/June arrrgh. Wish the schools could tell us about housing before SIRs are due

You can only SIR to 1 school on May 1. You can SIR to the 2 schools now but have to withdraw one of the SIR’s by the May 1 deadline or risk both acceptances being rescinded. If housing is an issue, then contact both schools and ask about having the SIR deadline extended until the housing is worked out. Since both schools are Cal states, 2 SIR’s will be flagged by the system.

Double depositing is unethical so go through the proper channels and the OK.

Thanks for the clarification - appreciate it. Seems like on the CPP front we are likely ok on housing due to the freshman (mostly) on campus requirement and when he submitted his housing request (no SIR required) and ASU is able to respond within 2-3 days of the request being submitted. CSUF feels risky re housing but we’ll see!

In regard to the Financial Aid Awards- he has only Federal Loans showing- no grants. Does that mean he doesn’t qualify for anything else? Or they haven’t been awarded yet? He will be using a GI bill for tuition but was hoping for grants to put toward other expenses. We just accepted admission- has financial awards already been determined?

You can check your FASFA EFC to determine if you are eligible for the Pell Grant. If you are CA resident, then you also check the Cal Grant website if your student qualifies for a Cal grant and also the status.


Went to CSUF admitted students day yesterday. Beautiful day but hot, about 10 degrees hotter than were we live near the coast. Loved the campus - great looking modern & mid-century-ish architecture with tons of palm trees and open spaces. Lots more concrete than CPP. Didn’t have a chance to tour the arboretum but here that it’s beautiful. It’s a suburban school but you can walk off campus to a CVS, a few stores, coffee shop, plenty of off campus apartments. Good food options on campus (~6 fast casual places + Gastronome). We ate at the Gastronome and thought it was pretty good vs. other college cafeteria style options. Toured the freshman dorms - nice and newish (well maintained). Student union and pools (2) are great. Gym is good but a tad smaller than CPP and ASU Poly. Overall, looks like this school is moving into Jr’s #1 choice slot!


Blessing in disguise that my son didn’t get into CPP- we had only toured that campus and my kiddo was set on it. But when he was denied, we accepted his CSUF offer and went to admitted day as well. My son says this felt much more “right” for him, so I’m happy it all worked out. We didn’t get to see the gym or anything he saw enough and was very happy with his choice.

Glad to hear the places we didn’t see were great too! We had my younger son with us and it was a lot of walking!