CSUs and UCs offer no flexibility in the a-g classes. your D means you don’t meet them. That will still be true after a gap year so, unless you repeat the class, you;ll be in the same boat in July of 2018. A summer class from your district is probably the best answer - and Fullerton may accept that but, you’ll need to clear it with them. Perhaps there’s a self paced on-line version that would do the trick. I’d get going on that front while you await the appeal results.
As cautioned above by @gumbymom at this stage, taking a single CC course will make you a transfer applicant so, you’ll need 60 units for a CSU or UC to review your application.
In my experience, OOS WUE schools like UNR and Boise State have a lot more flexibility with their ‘required’ courses. They also accept non-Jr transfers so, they may be worth a look.
If you can’t get your grade up via appeal and the summer course won’t cut it, your local CC is probably your best option. From there, you can develop a transfer plan to Fullerton or elsewhere.
Since you won’t attend a CC, did you check with your high school district’s ‘alternative school’? Usually, a high school district offers alternate educational setting like “adult school” or “online access” for those students who couldn’t or didn’t meet requirements in the high school setting.
You could do a semester of that at your school district, and ask Fullerton if you can be a 2nd semester admit.
Otherwise, that D will be stuck to your high school transcript until it is covered by a decent grade in a CC. But then you would have to do 60 units at a CC.
The California CC’s English courses are not easy courses and they know they are preparing students for the UC’s and Cal States. The misconception that the CC’s are for “dumb” students is really erroneous.
My son is a Caltech student (he isn’t considered “dumb”), so when he takes a summer course or two, at our local CC, he doesn’t feel “dumb” sitting next to other students from the UC’s and Cal States.
Lots of students get into the UC’s via the CC’s. Many do it because they cannot afford the costs of a 4 year, or they want to get some requirements out of the way.
Absolutely agree with @NCalRent ^^^ and @Gumbymom.
Thanks for all the input. It amazes me that 4 yrs of high school with a 3.74 final GPA is all gone over a 68% in one class for 1 semester. I know I know … it’s my fault… depression or not … buy my God, it seems pretty extreme.
I am considering my options… other schools … the military… ( I scored a 91 on my ASVAB) …
This isn’t the last time you’ll ponder that - it happens all the time in the grown up world. Not unlike a marathon where you train for months, show up race day and run 26 miles in just 3 hours then cramp - you didn’t finish so you don’t get the medal and you don’t qualify for Boston… that’s how it goes.
You;ll be measured more by what you do next than by the D going forward. .Of course, it isn’t all gone and, I bet your district can get you a self paced class to fill the gap. Have you asked?