I’m facing extreme pressure from my entire family to transfer from CSUF (which I just started this fall) to a UC my junior year. Although I am up for the challenge and am aware that any chances of actually getting in are extremely, insanely rare, I need help! I have been trying to figure out what courses will transfer credits so that I am not wasting any time. I have tried using ASSIST.org, but it doesn’t seem to help at all. I am currently a Biological Sciences major and plan to pursue it all the way! My current schedule is…

Bio 151: Cellular & Molecular Biology Lecture & Lab (4 units)
Viet 10: Fundamental Vietnamese (5 units)
Chic 102: (Oral) Communication Skills (3 units)
Math 130: Short Course in Calculus (4 units)

As far as I know (and attempting to look at ASSIST), I think these courses AREN’T transferrable and it’s driving me nuts. Can anyone confirm?

Please help me! Any sort of advice or words of encouragement would also be appreciated! :slight_smile:

Assist.org will not give the CSU transfer equivalent courses for a UC transfer. You need to select a local CCC such as Fullerton College and then select a target UC to see which courses are transferable. You then have to match the CC courses to your CSUF courses. You should also look up each UC’s required transfer courses and look at the course description to make sure they match up well with the CSUF courses.
Not an easy task but it can be done.

not sure what your family expects you will gain from the UC diploma. I mean, out of high school, a CC is a much smoother path to a UC, thanks to TAG. That said, people do transfer from Fullerton to UCs
on the Transfer by Year and Transfer by GPA tabs of that tool, you can find the truth. 64 people applied to transfer from Fullerton to a UC last year. Of them, 17 were admitted.

If you really want to transfer, go to the UC you are interested in - have a sit down appointment with a transfer admission counselor, they will help you with class selection and the GPA threshold. If you really don’t want to transfer, apply cold next year and fake-cry when they reject you.

Fullerton is a good school… i wouldn’t be in such a hurry to get out.

@Gumbymom @NCalRent I set up a TAG Planner account and inserted my courses this semester. They’re counted as non-ASSIST Certified Courses. Does that mean, in technicalities of transferring, I wasted a semester of credits? Or do these units still count for something?

What major are you planning to transfer into at a UC? Oral communications is not a UC GE requirement so that will not transfer.

Cellular and Molecular Bio should transfer if that is the major you are leaning towards.

@Gumbymom for now, I’m leaning towards Biology/Biological Sciences which could change over time into a more in depth bio

you aren’t a full semester in so, no, not at all. Again, 17 people made the change last year so, in all likelihood, most, if not all of your courses will transfer but, you have to chose your courses carefully. .Of course, TAG doesn’t apply to CSUs. If your true aim is to graduate from a UC, a CC is a better path - though i am guessing some of your relatives would be a-gasp at the concept of you trading down to a CC.

Let me make this as clear as i can, I think your family is on the wrong track. Getting a hard science degree from Fullerton is nothing to be ashamed about, Your academic and professional careers will not be hampered when compared UC grads, I think you should nod and smile when your relatives start prodding you about upgrading to a UC. Apply to transfer to placate them if you must but, trust me, they don’t know what they are talking about. You are BY FAR better served staying put and taking advantage of the opportunities you have. As a 4 consecutive year student you have more chances to get internships, earn leadership roles and build relationships with people who can recommend you for jobs and for for grad school.

Let me repeat. You are in a really good school. Make the most of it.

@NCalRent Thank you so much for the advice and words of encouragement! I am perfectly content with where I am, I’m loving CSUF :slight_smile: I’m more so applying to test my abilities, I really am not expecting much though! Although I would love to transfer to a UC because it’s been a dream of mine and it was crushed when I didn’t receive any admissions this past spring. My parents explained that I should give it a shot because it wouldn’t hurt and that it’d be totally okay if I didn’t get in anywhere. There’s just a huge, silent pressure, per say! I totally get what you’re saying with the benefits of staying.