<p>My major is Social Work however I don't have to have a bachelors in social work because I need to pursue my masters in social work anyways which allows you to have a bachelors degree in something else not necessarily in social work.</p>

<p>Cal Poly Pomona: Bachelors in Sociology w/ emphasis in social work
-better/newer campus
-most of my friends go there
-very close to home</p>

<p>Cal State LA: Bachelors in Social Work
-better established social work program</p>

Can you afford both? Or are you looking at an option from which you can commute?

Maybe get your undergrad degree at Pomona and get the MSW at Cal State LA? If money is at all a concern, it would be nice to have the option to commute easily during your undergrad years–especially if you’re looking at grad school in the future.

OP probably decided already. Hope they come back to report.