Backstory: I’m 28, sociology major, and am about to finish community college with a 4.0 gpa. I am currently working in the social work field, and have 9 years of work and management experience. I applied to CSULB, UCI, and UCLA, and, so far, have gotten in to CSULB and I know that I have a pretty good chance of getting into at least on of my UC choices. Regardless of my school choice, I will be taking loans out. So, my questions is (after doing countless research) would it be better for me to attend a UC or a CSU? Obviously, I worked hard at CC so that I could go to a UC, but I also don’t want to be drowning in debt after I finish my BA because I also plan on going to Grad school right after.
I would go to a CSU.
Let me be frank: your major will not make the kind of money where you will be able to quickly and easily pay back large loans. Remember that some loans require payment as you go to school.
CSU’s provide lots of internships and are well-regarded in California.
@“aunt bea” thank you for your honest and quick reply! 
See where you get accepted and make the best choice. You can always go the UC for grad school. Since you just have 2 years left for undergrad that softens the cost and UCLA maybe an exceptional opportunity.
Given your degree objective, I’d say CSU LB is probably your best bet. Tuition is just half of the UC. With your stats, and resolve. you’ll have no trouble getting into a good grad school in a couple of years.
Good luck.
Depends on what the net price after financial aid and amount of loans is at each choice.
Thank you everyone for your replies! I don’t think I will be receiving much financial aid because of mine and my spouses income. I am still waiting to here back from the UC’s, so if I don’t get in to either one then it there is no point in stressing about it. I will update once I get more info.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply 
My sister is a LCSW and was educated in Calif. She went to a CSU for undergrad and USC for grad school. Do not take out big loans for a UC…not worth it. You’ll have loans for grad school.
Long Beach is a top CSU…go there.