CU School of General Studies Spring 09?

<p>Anyone out there applying to CU School of General Studies for Spring 09? I am! Hopefully, this can be a thread where we can post stats/ ask questions. Good luck to all other applicants!</p>

<p>Really? No hopeful GS students?</p>

<p>I applied too.. have you heard anything yet??</p>

<p>I heard from the administrative staff last week. They said they just started the first phase.</p>

<p>How about for international students? Has anybody heard back from them yet?</p>

<p>I applied for Spring 2009. When do you think we will hear something?</p>

<p>Hmm, I applied in early October and got admitted on November 5.</p>

<p>i applied mid-october and haven’t heard anything yet</p>

<p><a href=“mailto:tired@nyc…did”>tired@nyc…did</a> they call you or just send you info? I AM SO NERVOUS!! anyone want to post stats? I’m pretty sure my ACT ruined my chances… I hate standardized testing.</p>

<p>Got a message on my machine from GS saying they had good news for me. I checked my front door and there was a Fedex package with the GS admit stuff in it.</p>

<p>My stats:</p>

<p>HS GPA 2.9</p>

<p>Nassau Community College - GPA 4.0
Dean’s List</p>

<p>No ECs but i worked for 10+ years in IT</p>

<p>Also I took the GSAE since my SATs are really old</p>

<p>My essay was basically autobiographical</p>

<p>I am still waiting on FinAid to make a decision on going or not, for those that asked</p>

<p>I’m from nassau county also lol</p>

<p>HS GPA 2.6
Borough of Manhattan Community College-3.95
Columbia University Summer Session- 3.67 (A-)
PTK, Dean’s list</p>

<p>My essay was pretty much about how Columbia “changed my life” and also autobiographical</p>

<p>ACT…my downfall… 26 because of math and science 27 superscored though</p>

<p>Went to ballet boarding school wanted to be a professional dancer…still dance 10 hrs a week plus financial literacy program and part time job stuff</p>

<p>Letters of rec from columbia professor and my finance prof</p>

<p>Do I still have any chance with my stupid ACT?! I got a 29 and 31 in english and reading and I know they care more about that. Sorry if I sound ridiculous but I’m so nervous and afraid my standardized testing shatters any chance I might have.</p>

<p>I applied on the last day. They seemed to have some trouble receiving my transcipts, but that situation is finally resolved.</p>

<p>-I graduated high school a long time ago, but I was not an involved student so I have no idea about stats there.
-Military Veteran
-Currently at CC with a 4.0, Presidents List, ABG Honor Society
-Married with a 3 year old son
-Work Full Time at Wells Fargo
-Coach Ice Hockey
-Took the GSAE also since scores were so old</p>

<p>My essay was also autobiographical</p>

<p>I heard we don’t get much financial assistance at GS, so that concerns me a bit.</p>

<p>I fear that I won’t hear anything until the middle of December. Does anyone know what the drop dead date is?</p>

<p>sphelthead…I can’t imagine you woulnd’t get in. Good luck</p>

<p>I think my chances are ruined :-/</p>

<p>I think we will probably hear early december but I’m not sure. I know GS isn’t known for the best FA, but it probably really depends on your situation. I think they will definitely take into consideration that you are not just one person, but have a dependent! I do know that if you do well in school your FA will increase accordingly.</p>

<p>rcl268, i do not think your chances are ruined at all!! From what we have discussed I think you have a great chance!</p>

<p>Rcl268 I think you have the same chance any of us have. Maybe we don’t know how they perceive anything behind a closed door, but I can only assume that one factor would not exclude you from admission. I just hope I hear something soon, because my heart can’t take the stress.</p>

<p>I agree. I think the only thing in question is FA. GS does not provide hardly any, so if you do not have another way of financing your education I think that would be the only reason you wouldn’t attend. You may certainly still be accepted, but might have to defer your admission if you don’t have another source of funding.</p>

<p>There are plenty of resources for college money, I wouldn’t let that stop you either.</p>

<p>LUKEJDAVIS, can you please give some examples of other resources. Thanks.</p>

<p>scholarships (
private student loans
federal student loans
…and you can always hold a part time job to subsidize college costs.</p>

<p>True it may not be as easy as it all being handed to you, but if you really want CU bad enough then bending backwards to get it shouldn’t be a problem.</p>

<p>Hey Congrats to <a href=“mailto:tired@NYC…hope”>tired@NYC…hope</a> to see you there!! I got in this morning. </p>

<p>Here’s my stats if youre curious:</p>

<p>HS GPA: 3.7; Magna Cum Laude
College GPA - 4 year college: 3.8 First semester, 3.6 overall (had a really bad accident second semester that made me immobile for 4 months)
SATs: 720V, 740M, 700W

  • Started own business
  • Youngest IT consultant in a top technology firm.
  • Took care of sick grandmother while on my year off.
  • …and a bunch of other extracurriculars</p>

<p>GS basically just changed my life today. Good luck to everyone else and hope to see you all this January!!</p>