Current CC Students please answer!

I just got accepted early action to CC and I am definitely excited! I have a few questions for any current students:

  1. I am not super outdoorsy (it’s not that I don’t want to be, I just don’t know HOW to be. I feel like a lot of outdoorsy people grew up skiing, camping, etc. and my family is just not like that! I would love to LEARN how to become an outdoorsy person though), do you think it will be a problem for me to make friends due to this since everyone at CC seems to be really athletic?
  2. how are the vegetarian options at CC? I’m not a vegetarian, but I am planning to go vegetarian soon, and I don’t eat much eggs or dairy either. How are the vegetarian options there?
  3. this is just in general, but is it common for students to cook their own food a lot? I’m a naturally picky eater, and I love to cook, so I was wondering if it would seem weird to use the dorm kitchens often?
  4. Back to the friends question, how clique-y are the groups at CC? I am an introvert and, while I try to make friends, it’s sometimes hard to put myself out there! How was your experience making friends?


Can you share your sat score and if you required aid?

@bonjour1 , CONGRATS!!! I am not a student, but my son is a senior at CC. I will try to answer your questions based on his experience.

1.My son is not super outdoorsy. However, he did grow up skiing and camping. He has not skied since he was 16 years old and has not skied at CC. He has gone camping a few times with his friends and does love that. He is not a biker and doesn’t love hiking, but will hike with his friends when they are camping.
2. My son came home from his Freshman year a vegetarian. He does eat eggs and dairy and he never complained that there wasn’t enough food choices. He loved the food at CC.
3. He didn’t really start cooking all his food until his Jr year when he lived in an on campus apartment. He did cook a few times in the floor kitchen in the dorm, but that was rare. His first 2 years he ate mostly in the dining hall.
4. I can tell you that my son is a HUGE introvert. He is just like you and is not really comfortable putting himself out there. However, he has found his people and has made great friends. I don’t think CC is cliquey at all. The students are very inclusive and most students seem very, very happy.

My son had all the same concerns you are having about CC. He was worried he wouldn’t fit in because he is not outdoorsy or athletic. He was worried he would not find his people. I was worried he would never meet anyone. Thankfully, none of that came to be. He loves CC and is not ready to leave when he graduates in the spring. Oh, and the professors are amazing!!!

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

@pcmom1 thank you so much for all the thoughtful answers! They definitely helped reduce my concerns about CC! I really do think I will end up there! :slight_smile: I will let you know if I think of any other questions!

@pcmom1 hi! I was wondering if you had any information about the Barnes Scholarship? I applied for it but have not heard back about it yet (I know it comes out later but am not sure what date specifically). Do you happen to know how competitive it is? I truly hope that I have a chance at it, as Colorado College is going to be a quite a financial leap otherwise, unfortunately (I got a small amount of financial aid and a merit scholarship, but the figures are still quite high in that I would be graduating with about $60k in debt, which is quite unfeasible)!

Do you know if it is possible for one to call cc’s admissions office and ask for more financial aid (my friend did this at a different school and was able to get more aid)? I am not sure how the appeals process works, but I want to demonstrate to them that they are my top choice and that I truly want to attend-if the finances allow me to do so. If you could please give any advice on this based on your knowledge about/experience with cc, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you :slight_smile:

@bonjour1 , yes, I have lots of experience with both Barnes Scholarships. I am going to send you a private message later today.

@bonjour1 , private message sent

@pcmom1 , I’ve seen in this and other posts that you have lots of experience with the Barnes Scholarship. Would you be so kind to private message me as well? I’d really appreciate it. Thank you so much in advance.