Current Freshman looking for a little guidance

Hi I am a current Freshman at SUNY Binghamton University. I am in the Harpur college of arts and sciences and just finished my first semester. Originally entering with an interest in double majoring in economics and political science My interest has shifted towards business and I wish to transfer to the school of management. I will not apply until next fall for intra university transfer due to a lackluster 3.0 gpa for my first semester. I intend to work hard to increase that this coming semester. I was wondering if anyone knew about the intra transfer process and how competitive it is. I would also some advice on what to do if not accepted such as other major options/ good undergrad business programs to transfer to for spring 2018.


If you don’t get enough responses here after a few days you could always post on the SUNY Binghamton forum.

Thanks! I made a similar post in the Bing forum

It is very competitive to transfer to SOM. However, Do not let one semester prevent you from your goals. If you get a 4.0 next semester you could be at a 3.5 overall. Another semester you could be around a 3.8. Study more and bring the GPA up.