Harpur College...is it worth it?

<p>I ultimately have my heart set on becoming a finance major. And I just about have my heart set on Binghamton as well. The one downfall is that I was not admitted into the business school but I was admitted into Harpur College of arts and sciences. </p>

<p>I am just curious if it is worth it for me to attend Harpur this fall and then transfer into the business school by my sophomore year. Is the risk too high? What if I don't get in?</p>

<p>Do you think you’ll be able to live if you can’t get into SOM? If you think you can find another major and be happy AND you actually want to go to Binghamton anyway, then go for it. There is a risk, but if you work on getting a good GPA prior to the transfer application, you definitely have a chance.</p>

<p>What was your gpa and sat during that time? Im currently a senior in one of nys’s top 3 high schools. So im currently waiting for my letters. For sunys, I mainly applied for undeclared and general admission as well. </p>

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<p>The first step would be to try to get a good GPA in Harpur and then transfer over to SOM. As a fallback on possibility would be to major in Economics, which is in Harpur, and see if you can double major with a discipline in the SOM (Finance). I would contact an advisor to see if this can be done, but if you have your heart set on Binghampton, this could be a viable option.</p>

<p>Hey There! I’m a Student Ambassador here at Binghamton and I also happen to be in SOM. I’m sorry you didn’t get accepted into SOM from the start but don’t give up! I have a ton of friends who have transferred in and done well and still graduated in time. Transferring in is very common. Just some things to keep in mind to improve your chances, make sure to keep your GPA up. Additionally as a freshmen you’re required to take many prerequisite courses so you won’t fall behind if you don’t transfer into SOM until your sophomore year. It’d be in your best interest to take Macro/Micro Economics as well as many Gen Eds. These are the classes I took my freshmen year. Additionally you can use this sheet to help you with sleected GenEds and classes you’ll need if you were to transfer into SOM. [Binghamton</a> University - School of Management: Undergraduate programs: Bachelor of Science in Management: curriculum](<a href=“http://www2.binghamton.edu/som/undergraduate-programs/bs-management/curriculum.html]Binghamton”>http://www2.binghamton.edu/som/undergraduate-programs/bs-management/curriculum.html) This link is more helpful. <a href=“http://www2.binghamton.edu/som/files/MgmtGenEd2012.pdf[/url]”>http://www2.binghamton.edu/som/files/MgmtGenEd2012.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>To be completely honest with you, it is very difficult to get into SOM as a transfer from Harpur. You are taking a huge risk. There are many applicants but few spots. If you don’t get into SOM, it may not be worth pursuing a BA at Harpur if you intend to enter the work force since the financial type firms that do recruit at binghamton generally focus on SOM. </p>

<p>Since you are interested in finance, have you considered Baruch? They are very cheap and have a very high quality program especially for accounting and finance. Only downside is that it is a commuter school so there is no real campus. The upside is that you are right in new york city and have access to many opportunities even Binghamton students will miss.</p>

<p>Hey @Avshockey21‌ , I am right now in the same position as you. Got into Harpur not SOM. What was your decision? I am scared of taking the risk of going to Harpur and transferring again. And I am also accepted to fordham. I can’t figure out what the best choice. I am leaning towards fordham since it’s in the city but the financial aid is troubling me. </p>


You hit it right on the head regarding SOM. What you have been saying is exactly what I have been saying all along. SOM is a great school, nobody can deny that. However, alot of prospective students do not realize as high school seniors that if you get into BING as a regular admit to Harpur, that it is very very very very did I say very? very hard to transfer. Yes, it is possible, however, you need a minimum of 3.5 gpa. That is not easy to do at BING.

My son is in high school now, and he is only a sophmore so it is very early, however, my thing is why in the world would you want to take the risk?? What if he cannot transfer, then what?? major in eco, or psych? He has to then transfer if he wants to major in accounting.

To me, if he does not get in directly to the SOM, which is a stretch, I know, go to Baruch, or better yet SUNY Albany. Albany has an excellent business school and all of the top recruiters are up there constantly. Or, go to Buffalo, they have an excellent school as well. You can go to another college then transfer into the SOM. That is a safer bet since you can still stay at the college you are at to earn your accouting degree if you cannot transfer.

To me, it just is not worth the risk to go to Harpur, then pray you can transfer to SOM. Go to Albany, Buff, Baruch, and sleep at night. SOM is not the only coca cola in the desert!!

Why’d anyone attend Binghamton if they can’t have the program of study that they want. The focus on Binghamton compared to the other units of SUNY seems misguided. Does Binghamton spend that much more on PR. If you want to know why college tuition is sky rocketing, look at staffing of PR and the absurd salaries of the paper pushers in administration. The administrators are paid absurd amounts and there are an absurd number of them. They now need to hire administrators to administer the administration.

Buffalo’s business program is rated higher than Binghamton and Albany. Stony Brook and Binghamton are rated similarly overall with the other two centers pretty close-in most rating systems. They are all units of SUNY and none are flagships. There is no need for the SUNY system to be spending so much on PR. All it is doing is hyping each unit. What is the point of having units competing internally? Why is NY paying for that? They are doing nothing to increase the quality of the units nor to elevate them compared to the flagships elsewhere. Even with their absurd promo’s.

So my answer to your question is “no”. Harpur is now only a name given to one of 4 undergraduate units of the sUNY system’s university Centers. It is not “Harpur College”. There is really no “Harpur College”. Those are simply names given to designate the fact that you are referring to a generic undergraduate section of one of the SUNY universities. And in your case, it means that the student may not gain access to the desired curriculum, so what’s the point?

I got to get behind lostaccount on this one. Want to study business, SOM rejected you, move on.
My son is in the same position with the twist that he has guaranteed SOM transfer after freshman year if he pulls out 3.5. Heh, they are very funny, they should beg him to come yet they rejected him.
I have no doubt there are quality kids at SOM but similar quality undergraduate degrees are dime a dozen.

Another twist to the Bing saga, now they are offering students they originally rejected direct admit to SOM.

anotherparent, what does your son want to study at the SOM?? I agree with your earlier post. If you do not get into the SOM, move on, geesh. BING is not Wharton, or Stanford or even NYU. If your son wants accounting, he can go to suny albany or suny buffalo. They have excellent business schools especially for accounting. Finance, well, I would say go to NYU, DUKE, U CHICAGO anyway. Do not get me wrong, Suny Binghamton is a fine school, but they make it out to be Cornell or NYU and believe me it is not.

He is undecided about particular area but accounting is not in the cards. And he won’t be going to Bing anyway.
He could go to UMich but even that is unlikely, he seems to like Northeastern and they offered a very nice package so I am all for it.

Good for him. I am just curious, why Northeastern over Bing?? Did you get tired of the games with Bing? I am not dumping on Bing. Believe me, if and when the time comes for my son to go to college (3) years from now, and he got into Bing, I am sure he will strongly consider it. My gripe is that they come off like big shots and they think they are Wharton, or Cornell and they are not.

I will be perfectly honest, my son does not rate Bing very well and he considers NEU a much better school.
This is the view from Bronx Sci, Bing is seen as the last resort. Kids with SAT/ACT in top 2-3% don’t want to go to Bing unless they absolutely have no other choice.

Anotherparent22, why doesn’t the guidance office work with students about applying to enough other schools that they don’t end up at a place they view as a last resort? I wouldn’t think the fit ideal if they have top 2-3% scores and no interest in Binghamton.

lostacount, kids do apply to many other schools but no matter what they also apply to Bing and/or Stony.
60% of BronxSci kids put an app in at Bing. I am certain same is true for Stuy. Only about 30 kids from BronxSci ended up enrolling last year (700 kids in class). I can understand why Bing is so reluctant to accept these kids. They absolutely destroy yield. It came as a shock to me when my son was rejected from SOM given his scores. But I can see where Bing admissions is caught up in a difficult situation.

It is a shame that NYC and State do not have a better option for their residents particularly given the talent our high schools produce.

Anotherparent22. Is it just that they want private or would more attend if SUNY had a school more like Michigan, Wis, IU etc?