Current Purdue Freshman -- AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Hello. I am currently an out-of-state, Purdue Freshman. I was placed in temporary housing (auxiliary housing) for the first few months here and now currently live in Tarkington Hall. I am an engineering major in the FYE (first year engineering) program; I am on track for an Economics minor thus far. Since coming to Purdue, I’ve changed my mind a lot but finally decided on going into Industrial Engineering. I work a remote job, took 18 credits hours last semester, 18 credit hours this semester, and am pledging a fraternity. AMA!

Can you explain the Auxiliary housing? So you started in one place with a roommate and then moved again? Did you change roommates? Your choice or theirs?
Also, is it difficult to transititon to your major in College of Engineering?

As an out-of-state student, what are the best options for getting between the airports (ORD or IND) and the school?

Also, how challenging are the FYE courses?

@5Dis I was in a room with 9 other guys in a basement. It was honestly pretty okay. More space than a typical room and most of the people down there were pretty cool. The only downfall was all the different wake-up/sleep times. In addition, having no window was a pain. The transition to major (T2M) program is fairly simple and easy. Most of the steps are taken by the administration, and we only have a few deadlines to meet. If you’re above a 3.2 GPA, you have practically nothing to worry about.

@hywrd14 The best option for me was flying to IND and taking the Lafayette Limo/having friends pick me up and drive. Honestly, it just depends on the cheaper tickets because I believe both have airport transfers to Purdue. FYE courses are mostly weed-out classes that require a lot of work that has no impact on your ability as an engineer. Most of the engineering-based courses (ENGR131/132) is what I am referencing when I say this. The other classes (CHM115/116, PHYS172) I didn’t take because I knew they’d be terrible, weed-out classes (I got credit for them). I also started in Calc II when I got here (which many people argue is the most difficult, but it is still manageable). If you want to spend less money and are confident in your ability as a student, then go with taking more advanced classes. If not, re-take classes you got credit for in order to get the boost to GPA.

@Xcodist , why were you in temporary/basement housing? Was housing a last minute decision on your part? Were the other rooms being built/renovated? Is one of the 9 now your roommate? I hope your new housing is really nice after the temporary situation. I’m trying to understand how rooms opened up half way through the semester…

What schools did you consider and why did you choose Purdue? Besides a Fraternity, what activities are you involved in?

You indicated - “If you’re above a 3.2 GPA, you have practically nothing to worry about.”

We have heard that Purdue is really tough on grades in Engineering and lots of low GPAs. So, what is the transition to major process like for those with GPAs lower than 3.2? Which engineering majors are toughest to get into? Which are easiest?


Are there any classes graded on bell curves?

What type of laptop woud yousay is the best fo rthe FYE?

My son has to keep a 3.4 to remain in the honors program.

So after you get in. The end of your freshman year you will need to apply and see if you get into the engineering program you prefer? Do people not get that engineering program they want? Is it hard to get into electrical engineering ?

Can a 1280 SAT score and a gpa of 3.87 make me enter Purdue University. I am still awaiting my decision from the university . International student