Currently filling out my UC application. Should I put my online business as work experience?

Hello! I’m filling out my UC application and I was wondering what I list my online business as? I run this business myself through an online selling platform where I sell my hand-made items (hobby :D), and have made many sales! I see this as an accomplishment and would like to put it on my application but not sure what to list it as. Thanks!

You can. My son sold coins he got at auctions (he was part of the auction process and bidding against usually jewelers) and resold ones he didn’t keep online. He made very decent money. But is this an EC or Business I guess is the question. Do you have to have a business license to really declare it as a business?

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no business license. so it would be listed as an ec?

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With my son it was part of his essay so I don’t think he listed it at all in the common app. He had other things he put down. . In reality I don’t think it matters… But it’s a great experience of running a business and how to interact with people. There is a lot of learning that can be had.

Are you looking at the Activities & Awards section? If so, my personal opinion is that it doesn’t matter what you call it. Focus on what title you use, and how you describe what you did.

Are you also going to write about this in PIQ 2? If so, make sure the PIQ doesn’t repeat, but expands on what you list in the A&A section. The PIQ should add clarity, context and depth to the activity.

Look at the “things to consider” questions listed under PIQ 2. It might be a nice place to go into detail about your accomplishment.

  • What does creativity mean to you?
  • Do you have a creative skill that is important to you?
  • What have you been able to do with that skill?
  • If you used creativity to solve a problem, what was your solution?
  • What are the steps you took to solve the problem?
  • How does your creativity influence your decisions inside or outside the classroom?
  • Does your creativity relate to your major or a future career?

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