Curry College? Chance me?

<p>I'm currently a senior in high school and want to apply to Curry College. I have a 1000 CR+M score and am retaking the SATs next week. Idk if I'm going to do better on that but I also have an ACT coming up in 3 weeks, which I think I'll definitely do better on. Any ideas about whether I'll get accepted into the nursing program or not??</p>

<p>I forgot to add that I have a 3.5 GPA, am ranked top 30% - 40%, have +100 volunteer hours at the hospital, 100 or so additional hours from other clubs and volunteering, am a first generation student, am shadowing a nurse in a few days at #2 hospital in NJ (so excited!!!), and hopefully will have a great essay by the end of this week. </p>

<p>Hopefully, you have been doing some extra prepping for the SAT & ACT. If you can get your SAT up to 1100 or even better 1200 then it will improve your chances of getting into Curry and it opens up more schools that you may be competitve for. Besides Curry, what other freshmen direct entry schools are you considering? With your current stats, other schools in MA I think you can consider are UMass-Lowell, UMass-Dartmouth, Simmons. If your SAT gets up to 1200 then UMass-Amherst & Northeastern may be a reach but not impossible. Do you live in N.J? Perhaps consider Seton Hall or the College of N.J. There are many small direct entry schools in PA that would be the size of Curry if you are looking for a smaller college atmosphere. Look at the updated Freshmen Direct Entry Nursing Program list found in the nursing threads to find them. My niece’s friend attended Elmira College in Elmira, NY. She did a clinical rotation at the Mass General while at Elmira & now she has been working at MGH for the past 3 years [she was working the day of the Boston Marathon bombings]. You sound like you have the passion to become a nurse which is an important quality. Curry has a good program but you never want to put all your eggs in one basket! Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>@blueskyforever hey, thank you for replying!! yes, i am considering A LOT of other schools lol. Simmons is an all girls school and personally, I don’t want that. </p>

<p>I also considered UMass-Darthmouth but am unsure right now because they want at least a 1100. If I can get that on the SAT this weekend or the equivalent on the ACT in 2 weeks, I’ll consider it. The school is 4 hours away, but UMass & Dartmouth are highly respected colleges I believe. </p>

<p>Is UMass Lowell direct entry for nursing?? I don’t think it was on my list at all. </p>

<p>As for Curry College, I emailed the counselor and she said that they have pre-nursing as well. Also, I have a priority application for them so maybe that’ll help?? I told her that I only have a 1000 right now and she replied saying, “You sound like you are not that far off on the tests core requirements so I would say you have a very good chance!” I dont know if she’s being honest, but I guess I’ll apply anyway since I have a waiver. </p>

<p>I honestly thought TCNJ would be a safety for me but the the admissions counselor said that shes pretty sure the school of nursing wants around a 1300. That’s ridiculous!!! I’m going to call the admissions office and ask again just to be sure but I definitely can’t get in there if 1300 is their minimum/average. </p>

<p>Seton Hall is my dream school <3 They want at least a B in every science class and I unfortunately got a C+ in chemistry last year, so I might get accepted to pre-nursing and have to switch to nursing a year after. BUT, I’m not sure because my chemistry teacher is writing my letter of recommendation and she sounded SO happy when I asked her. She was all, “I already know you want to be a nurse (told her last year, which is good because she kinda knows me personally) and I know exactly what I want to write in your letter” Also, you wouldn’t believe what I just found out yesterday!!! Apparently, she got 2 chemistry degrees from Seton Hall!!! :smiley: I really hope that’ll better my chances of getting in to regular nursing. Honestly, I’ll probably choose Seton Hall even if they don’t offer me a scholarship because it’s only 15 minutes away and the atmosphere is perfect!! </p>

<p>I crossed off Elmira College because people were saying that it was pretty much a jail town (prison is close by). I wouldn’t like it there anyways, too small of a school. And yes, I live in Morris country, NJ so Seton Hall would definitely be a perfect fit for me if I got in!! </p>

<p>A couple years ago, Seton Hall was some type of major tuition discounts. I don’t know if that program still exists, and I don’t remember the conditions.</p>

<p>I believe C of NJ said that nursing is their hardest major for admission, which is not unusual.</p>

<p>@charliesch Seton Hall is quite expensive but apparently they offer nice scholarships. And yes, I wasn’t surprised at the fact that it was most competitive but at the fact that they were asking for a 1300 CR+M score. It’s such a tiny college and I just expected it to be a backup, not a reach lol. Oh well, I don’t need more colleges on my list anyway :)</p>

<p>Students with 1300 or more CR & M scores are probably looking at UPenn, BC, NYU, Georgetown since 1300 would be on the low side for admission to those schools depending on the applicant pool for the upcoming school year. I doubt all entering nursing freshmen at Seton Hall have a 1300 or higher in CR & M. I still think you have a very good chance to get into Seton Hall. But, it is almost mid October, are you getting those applications in?
Make sure to have your essay proofread by your English teacher or counselor.</p>

<p>A 1300 reading and math would probably have a hard time being considered at U. Penn or Georgetown. I don’t know about nursing in particular, but both universities routinely turn down students with near-perfect test scores. When nursing was less popular, it used to be the easiest major for admission to top universities, but I think that has changed. Many more top students are considering nursing.</p>

<p>@blueskyforever I really hope I do get in there. It’ll be really embarrassing and disappointing if I don’t, because basically everyone knows its my dream school. And yes, I’m currently working on my common app essay right now and plan to finish it + personal statement + non common app essay this weekend. At my school, the teachers actually help us with our college essays in class and count it as a grade, so that’s why I have to get it done asap lol. I’ve already had like 5 or 6 people look at my rough copy. I have to finish filling out application info this weekend and submit my essay probably next week. My transcript should be sent next week or early the week after along with my letter of req from my teacher and guidance counselor. After that, I’ll be free!! :)</p>