<p>Anyone have any thoughts about the respective sections of the October ACT? To me, the science section seemed pretty tough (hopefully yielding a decent curve), but the math seemed unusually easy (unfortunately resulting in a poor curve, like 3 wrong = 31).</p>
<p>I'd like to hear from those who have taken an actual ACT test before, and can make pretty close estimates. I've only taken practice tests, so it's hard to tell....</p>
<p>My guesses are:</p>
<p>English (pretty easy)</p>
<p>-1 35
-2/3 34
-4 33
-5 32
-6 31
-7 30</p>
<p>Math (abnormally easy):</p>
<p>-1 35
-2 34
-3/4 33
-5 32
-6 31
-7 30</p>
<p>Reading (easy-average):</p>
<p>-1/2 35
-3 34
-4 33
-5 32
-6 31
-7 30</p>
<p>Science (hard):</p>
<p>-1 36
-2 35
-3 34
-4 33
-5 32
-6 31
-7 30</p>
<p>I doubt science is -1 36 and -2 35</p>
<p>My guess is:
-1 35
-2 34</p>
<p>I hope you're right though, if you are I have a chance at a 36 still! :)</p>
<p>^ You may be right, but -1 was a 36 in September I think, and I actually felt that the Oct science was a little harder. Also, from what people said on here I think -2 was a 36 on June science.</p>
<p>Yeah totally agree. -1 for a 36 could definitely make sense here.</p>
<p>I honestly felt the October science was sooooo much easier. I got a 26 on the science for september, but I'm expecting anywhere about a 30 for this one</p>
<p>I am going to die if guitarman89 is right on the science curve!! Science just absolutely killed me!!!!!!!!</p>