CWRU Class of 2025 Official Discussion Thread

Oh I didn’t know that! I applied for need (income < 100k) so that might’ve played a role

Since no in-person tours are available, I’d appreciate some insight on the campus “vibe” from those of you who have had a chance to visit. Also, for those who have not had a chance to visit, what are your plans for learning more about the campus?

My D has done all the virtual tours and sessions available, but we feel strongly we need to have some sort of in-person exposure before making a decision. So if nothing else, I suppose we will plan a trip in April even if it means just walking around on our own and seeing the surrounding area. We live in GA and have never been to Cleveland.

A shoutout to @bopper for the detailed posts about Case on CC. We enjoyed reading through the information about the campus and Cleveland.

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@DramaMama2021 One thing to check out is the various methods of transportation around campus/Cleveland.

Case is sort of a long campus (due to the merger of Western Reserve College and Case Institute of Techonolody) but there are many ways to make it easier than just walking.

There are various shuttle routes…for commuters, off campus housing, north loop, south loop, etc.

Safe Ride Service:
What we used to call the “Greenie Bus” back when it was a green van, this is a point to point shared ride that will take you from any point on campus to any other point. We often used it to get from the north side dorms to the south side dorms late at night.

Rapid Transit:
To get around Cleveland, you can use theUniversal Pass or “U-Pass” - Full-time students automatically get a discounted pass to ride RTA (light rail, buses) anywhere, at any time. A $25 fee is added each semester to each undergraduate student’s account. (Student U-Pass Program | Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority)


My D21 has been reaching out to current students including friends, friends of friends, and by getting contact information of graduates from her high school. We are from the area, so it is a bit easier for us.

When you come to Cleveland, consider staying at the Glidden House. It is right next to campus and will allow you to walk campus and the University Circle area.


Thank you!

Thank you! We don’t know anyone who attended Case, but my D is on the social media groups and that has been helpful. One of her friends was enrolled for this year, but he withdrew to attend a school closer to home due to covid concerns.

I appreciate the hotel suggestion. At least you and @bopper have helped us with lodging and transportation! :wink:

We may see you on campus:) D21 just got accepted to Case!!


that’s so funny i was scrolling through CC and saw this comment and i’m actually in the Glidden House right now! I was accepted EA and wanted to get a feel for the area so me and my dad came from WA to take a look around :grin:

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That is great! My D was also accepted EA and has not had a chance to visit. We looked into a trip over her spring break in early March but were told by Admissions that we would not be allowed on campus. We are holding off and hoping that things open up for a trip in April. Please share your impressions for those of us who have not had a chance to visit Case and/or Cleveland. Have fun and congratulations on your acceptance!

Enjoy your visit! I’d like to hear about your impression of Case and Cleveland after your trip.

oh that’s interesting, we didn’t reach out to admissions at all because we just planned on walking around the campus and the city to get a feel for the atmosphere. it’s nice here and obviously very cold which i don’t like. it’s hard to really have much to say since obviously i can’t go in any buildings or really talk to anyone. but from a premed perspective it seems great? university hospitals and cleveland clinic are both very close to the campus, and there’s also some food options nearby (asian food, subway, popeyes, starbucks and dunkin) all very accessible. plus there are tons of museums nearby which seem like good places to go on a boring rainy day! overall, i don’t i have much super specific or helpful to say, but it seems great


Anyone have insight in CW vs Purdue for an engineering student? This is likely the decision my son is facing this year… thanks in advance

Anyone have insight in CWRU vs Purdue for an engineering student? This is likely the decision my son is facing this year… thanks in advance

Things to consider:

  1. Net cost
  2. What engineering major?
  3. Is your son interested in a makerspace? Case has the think[box].
    Sears think[box] | Case Western Reserve University
  4. Is your son interested in research?
    Undergraduate Research Funded Programs | Undergraduate Research Office | Case Western Reserve University
  5. Is your son interested in Co-op programs?
    Engineering Co-op Program | Case School of Engineering | Case Western Reserve University
  6. Global Opportunities?
    Global Opportunities | Case School of Engineering | Case Western Reserve University
  7. CWRU has plenty of housing
  8. Both are ABET accredited

agreed, I would definitely look at cost and they are both known for their engineering programs. look into post-grad stats and maybe talk to some current students and gain some insight. it really comes down to preference and what you are willing to pay…

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You can’t go wrong at either for sure.

Does anyone have an update on the scholarship competitions (with essays) due for submission last Jan 15th? Thank you!

I don’t have any additional information, but the CWRU website states, “Winners will be notified of their award by April 1.”

My son’s SAT is 1430, TOEFL 108, Unweighted GPA is 5.9/7.
We don’t know whether he can get in?

On campus. Early evening. Not much information.

I read this… ! eecks!