<p>Hi all - I'm a junior EE major and I eventually want to get into consulting and get my MBA. I was on the Bain & Co. website and got inspired to perhaps try for an associate position as soon as I get my engineering degere.</p>
<p>I have pretty good grades, pretty much all A/A- in my core electrical engineering and computer science courses, with two Bs. I'm ok in that respect.</p>
<p>But, I took a basic ECON 181: Microeconomics course during my freshman year which I did TERRIBLY in. I had no motivation really and adjusting to college was kind of difficult. I got a "D" in the class. As you know, it's right next to a "F", which is failing.</p>
<p>Now, when consulting firms look at this course + grade, they won't be too happy. Should I retake it over even though my school doesn't replace the grade? How do I go about explaining the "D" on my transcript should I have an interview? I plan on taking some other BUSINESS courses before I graduate as electives in my senior year, so I'm positive I'll do well in those. It's just that this grade has been bugging me.</p>