Da Vinci Program?

I just got an email today inviting me to apply for the Da Vinci program at UM. From what I found online (which isn’t much), it’s offered to an unspecified number of accepted students and they admit the first 40 to accept the invitation, it’s catered towards, “students who are thinking about a career in a science field, but happen to have a strong interest in languages, classics, literature, religion, philosophy, theater, history, the visual arts, as well as those who are considering a career planned in the humanities and are intrigued by the natural sciences.” Can anyone with more information tell me a little bit more of what this program is about?

Please!! I need info on this program as well!!

hey guys i just recently accepted the invitation after some research so I can share some info with you that I’ve gathered: it’s an honors program for kids who want to combine the sciences and the arts, (just like PRISM for math and science), so for me as an anthropology and spanish double major, it is pretty perfect. They have sample courses on the site which include a class about Da Vinci himself and other art, science, and history classes. The purpose of the program is to make students able to make connections between and integrate the two areas of study and from what I’ve heard from current students, it’s very challenging and rewarding. There are also special abroad opportunities. Also, another perk I am almost sure about is that the program replaces your gen eds so you can focus on your major rather than taking unnecessary math classes. Not to mention, because it is only 40 students, all of the classes within the program are very small. That’s what I’ve gathered so far but hey if it turns out to be awful I can always transfer out of it as it doesn’t tie you to a certain major. If any finds anything else out definitely let me know. Thanks, hope this was somewhat helpful.