<p>Filmed at a Dimensions Club Fair. (Dimensions is Dartmouth's accepted students weekend.)</p>
<p>YouTube</a> - DYE Prank</p>
<p>Filmed at a Dimensions Club Fair. (Dimensions is Dartmouth's accepted students weekend.)</p>
<p>YouTube</a> - DYE Prank</p>
<p>this is funny and sad at the same time</p>
<p>i know that Dartmouth is like the least favorite of the Ivies, no offense</p>
<p>and one reply on youtube says that he seeks “help” to get him or her out of Dartmouth and into a real school…</p>
<p>funny I never even considered applying to Dartmouth, heard it’s really boring up (or down) there</p>
<p>any objection? defense? correction on what I said above?</p>
<p>^^ Um…no. Dartmouth is one of the more popular Ivies aka the biggest party Ivy/drunkest Ivy (being the model for Animal House doesn’t hurt, also Keggy the Keg!). However, in the middle of nowhere that is Hanover, what else are you going to do, but drink (I kid! I kid!).</p>
<p>I think everyone at my school (approximately) is applying to Dartmouth this year. Just to let you know.</p>
<p>Cornell is often seen as the “safety” Ivy, at least among the people I know (having an agriculture school and a “hotel” school only really compounds people’s malice). Also, I always forget UPenn when I list the Ivies.</p>
<p>When I first heard of Dartsmouth, I thought it was a ship.</p>
<p>Hope i don’t fall overboard from that ship</p>
<p>FYI, HMS Dartmouth was actually a ship that was sunk during the Boston Tea Party during the Independence War. I’m not American but I know your history well…</p>
<p>^ great :)</p>
<p>Dartmouth was one of my safety schools.</p>
<p>Yeah. Everybody knows that Dartmouth is just a Yale reject school.</p>
<p>This one guy on my hall rejected Yale for Dartmouth, and we all make fun of him. He’s sooo stupid.</p>
<p>I want to get out of here so badly. I want to attend a real university.</p>
<p>LIVE FREE OR dYe!</p>
<p>I hope people get the sarcasm Dartmoose. Hilarious.</p>
<p>Ummm…Dartmouth has a lower acceptance rate than Brown, Penn, and Cornell and the highest alumni giving and arguably the best social life/ happiest students and the best study abroad. David you need to explore it more.</p>
<p>arguably the best social life? it’s a beer pong school! we all went to high school…</p>
<p>But Penn has… um… um… Pencils. </p>
<p>Slipper, I know a person from Dartmouth
and she says the worst part of the school is that during weekends there’s no place to go except libraries.</p>
<p>Sure, some ppl like the school, some don’t. I just heard the school was not as good as other Ivies, for her, I mean.</p>
<p>But Dartmouth as a drinking school? I never heard that one. Aren’t all schools somewhat alcoholic prevalent?</p>
<p>That was THE funniest YouTube video I’ve watched in a loooong time.</p>
in one year, that could definitely be me!!! (if it were real)</p>
<p>by the way, dartmouth is so much better than Cornell.
(actually, i just hate cornell, so i guess im a little biased)</p>
<p>David, no idea what your friend is thinking. There are TONS are parties at Dartmouth on the weekends- heck its even known for its animal house ways. House parties/ frat parties/ school sanctioned parties/ formals/ cultural events/ outdoor stuff. And the best part is everyone is invited to everything. Its without a doubt, along with Penn perhaps, the most social Ivy.</p>
<p>Slipper, I guess I was presumptious to label Dartmouth “boring” from the start
No offense taken, I hope.</p>
<p>My next guess is then that my friend, being an ideal Asian girl fresh off the boat from Korea, willing to study and what’s this? drinking and parties all nights, every night…</p>
<p>I wouldn’t object to “that,” but in her perspective everything looked so boring since she liked none of the parties, I guess.</p>
<p>Wonder how she’s doing nowadays.</p>
<p>Cornell, as far as I know, is the “worst” Ivy. Not Dartmouth. </p>
<p>I think Brown may have replaced Cornell as “worst” Ivy, but either way, Dartmouth isn’t it.</p>
<p>Yay Dartmouth…?</p>
<p>So true. Cornell is regarded by my peers as by far the “worst” ivy. Highest successful suicide rates + bridge, anyone?</p>
<p>Do many people apply to Cornell?
From where I live, one Yale SCEA (me) and seven or more Cornell ED.
And seven people (sorry if it’s a meager number, but So Cal ppl tend to like and go to UCs)
last year went to Cornell… none HYP (one UPenn)
Our neigbor school is the nation’s top whatchamacallit elite public school, so they send a lot of kids to HYP</p>
<p>And here we are at our school, going to Cornell, overjoyed (IVY!!!) oblivious to the supposed horrors approaching… </p>
<p>I forgot this was originally a Dartmouth thread</p>