Dartmouth reception in nyc

<p>I was invited to a dartmouth reception in nyc--does anyone know anything about it like what goes on?</p>

<p>Also, is anyone else going?</p>

<p>isn't that for ED people?</p>

<p>i dont know--i was accepted ED though, if that helps</p>

<p>Depending on when it is, it will be for ED and RD people. It is probably held at the Dartmouth Club (same location as the Yale club). There will be alumni and current students to tell you about Dartmouth, answer any questions, share their Dartmouth experiences</p>

<p>thanks sybbie!</p>

<p>wowwwwww...that sounds sooo good. dartmouth and the city...lol seems very incongruous</p>

<p>i got the same email and i was ed also. it sounds like fun, is anyone else from cc going?</p>