Date Life at Elite Universities and LACS for AA Students?

<p>@Alexis I could too. It’s sad that people in our race put down education, something that the generation before us fought so hard to get for this generation. But yeah, it’s just the white girls that my mom has a problem with (and probably the Asians ones as well lol!). I tell her that it’s not my fault that girls of other races are so attractive! I’m attracted to girls of ALL races; I don’t just confine myself to one race. I can’t wait to get out of the house, because once I do, I’m dating whoever I want! </p>

<p>Oh, and I forgot to mention this on my previous post: another big reason people call me white is because I’m a drummer! It’s kind of funny because I’m the only black drummer in my school’s drumline, so that claim might actually have some weight to it lol</p>

<p>And the stereotype is pretty demeaning. I’m friends with some of the sweetest black girls you can possibly hope to meet and I am also friends with some of the nastiest ones. It all depends on the person.</p>

<p>Btw, what do you define as “nerdy”? I might meet some of those qualifications lol</p>

<p>Oh don’t get me started on that whole ‘white wash’ crap…white ppl at my school didn’t even know what it ment,plus I have like zero white friends.</p>

<p>@future doctor
really? I thought being drummer was alsome.I use to be in the band,I played flute.I just couldn’t handle the teasing and feeling like I didn’t belong,plus my mom never showed up to the preformances.</p>

<p>I assume that blacks at elite colleges will be more like many of us, contrasting more with ‘black’ stereotypes than with ‘white’ ones. If this is true and I end up at an elite school, I’ll probably have a higher proportion of black friends than I do now.</p>

<p>I hope so b/c I think its pretty sad that I don’t have guy friends that aren’t family members.</p>

Right?! I feel as though I’m dishonoring my ancestors if I don’t do well in my classes. Mhhm. Diversity is important, Imo! I’m sure your mom will come around eventually. :stuck_out_tongue: Our parents often hold old views.
Drumming sounds cool! I always considered that…black? :o</p>

<p>Agreed! Ah, well. I’m glad I can disprove that stereotype. C:</p>

<p>Nerdy for me refers to a guy whose intelligence is equal to or greater than mine. I love discussing politics and the like, so whoever I date should be able to articulate himself well. In my graduating class there were two black guys who fit this description, but one was gay and the other never talked. xD Actually, I’m not sure if the second guy was even African American, lol.</p>

I agree! I’ve seen how well blacks at elite schools treat each other. It’s so amazing! For example, I was stalking the “Black Harvard 2016” group on FB (don’t judge me, lol) and they all seem so welcoming and intelligent. I love it. :’)</p>

^Your first sentence is literally the story of my life lol! Some people just don’t realize how lucky they are to have an education. Diversity in college is important to me as well because my high school is so diverse. I want a little mix of everyone, you know? I hope she does because if not, she better prepare to be disappointed once I reach college lol! And it depends on the school. The more military like the drumline is (like my school’s. I personally prefer this style better) the whiter it’s considered. The more funky and groovy it is, the blacker it’s considered. Just Youtube any large school’s (Penn State, Ohio State) marching band vs an HBCU and you’ll see the differences lol</p>

<p>In that case, I’m definitely nerdy, and I would also like that out of any girl I date. I LOVE DISCUSSING POLITICS TOO :smiley: The thing is, the people I discuss them with don’t agree with my views all the time. I’m much more conservative than your average black voter. On social issues, I tend to go conservative. On economic issues, I’m in the middle lol. I used to have this friend named Crystal, and all through homeroom and Spanish class we would argue over the better economic system: socialism or capitalism lol! I would argue for capitalism and she would go for socialism.</p>

<p>P.S. STALKER!!!</p>

<p>okay so im still in high school and from the west coast. but my friend(whos also black) went to an ivy and said that white guys there werent really into black girls, they would hook-up with them as a sort of game to see who could hook-up with a black girl. while she has dated mostly white guys and some black guys, she found that it was difficult to understand if white guys actually were being serious. Im not sure what to think of this, i have a feeling that things in new england are slightly more segregated than in cali, but thats just what ive heard about it personally.</p>

<p>That is certainly true. The West is quite a bit less racially aware than the East.</p>

Ya I’ve heard that too which is why I’m least likely to date one.I don’t want to be an experiment.Also I know a lot just want to hit it and quit it not have an actual relationship…or atleast that’s what my brother says to warn me.</p>

<p>And I always thought the east coast was more racist since slavery originated there but it seems like the west coast is prejudice too.I haven’t been outside of California but when I went to different areas I could feel like I wasn’t welcomed.</p>

<p>@ForeIN The Abolitionist Movement also started on the East Coast, specifically in Northern cities such as New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and the Nation’s Capital. The New England states also provided opportunities for freed and runaway slaves to find work. Slave owners from the South moved out west in search of more fertile lands, gold, and more land. It’s not just the East Coast, it’s the West Coast as well. Just saying :)</p>

<p>That’s true I didn’t think of that.The some of the north was helpful.</p>

<p>But hopefully I won’t live in CA all my life,I atleast want to visit another state.</p>

Same here! Ohhh, I see. I must be more familiar with “groovy” drumlines then. :D</p>

<p>OMG People never agree with me either. On social issues I’m also pretty conservative, but on economic issues I’m a bit liberal. I considerate myself to be a moderate, though. I dislike extremes on both the left and right. :confused: I prefer capitalism myself.
LOL Stalking. <3</p>

I can see that. For minority women it’s almost harder to date out. Guys will only date them because of their fetishes. :confused: It’s pretty sad and rather disgusting.</p>

<p>@Alexis I see lol!</p>

<p>I hate that lol. People around here hate my views, and when I ask why, they say that they’re “white man’s views.” I prefer capitalism as well. I love having competition since it drives down prices :D</p>

<p>Stalking is fun :wink: lol!</p>

<p>You don’t know anyone who can criticize your views with something better than “they’re white man’s views”?</p>

<p>im at JHU, it’s kinda non existent here. such a lousy guy to girl ratio.</p>

<p>@Philovitist I know a lot of people who can criticize my views better than that. I go to a very diverse Catholic school with people who have a lot of different views. In my conversation with Alexis, I was telling her why people where I live hate my views and think that I side with the white man. Around here, they have an entitlement and victim mindset. They think that blacks are currently an oppressed people (Which we’re NOT!) so they think that they deserve an entitlement such as welfare and food stamps. It’s not everyone around here (I have friends from around where I live who actually want to make better lives for themselves), but it’s a good portion.</p>

<p>Well, this isn’t the forum for me to discuss why I may disagree with you depending on your understanding of the phrase “oppressed”.</p>

<p>Imo, while inequality certainly exists, no one deserves entitlements based solely upon one’s race. Even AA should follow criteria based upon SES more so than race (poor kids ftw, lol). “The man” owes us nothing but respect and understanding really.</p>

<p>That being said, ours is not a post racism society. Oppression still manifests itself. :O</p>

<p>That approach will not solve the problems of race in society. It will leave things as they are forever, except to get worse.</p>

<p>It’s really that simple.</p>

<p>Wow, this thread totally changed directions in terms of its original topic. I’m sorry OP, I just like to talk a lot lol</p>

<p>My little rant is just my own opinion. I’m not going to elaborate any further, I was just putting my ideas out there.</p>

<p>@Alexis Indeed, poor kids rule! Lol</p>