Date Life at Elite Universities and LACS for AA Students?

<p>On that note…no one should worry about dating,there’s always people outside of school.</p>

<p>unless you’re too lazy to go out and mingle like i am :/</p>

<p>^ Agreed. I’m so shy. T_T</p>

<p>WHOOO. OBAMA!!!</p>

<p>Ya I’m shy too but outside of school I know how to talk to guys better.I don’t know why but I’m okay with talking to strangers than the guys I kind of know at school.</p>

<p>I’m not in a position to be talking to anyone atm is all. Barriers will be gone in college. Unless I become a workaholic.</p>

<p>I hate being shy. Talking to girls can be so difficult for me sometimes. That’s why I want to go to a huge party school like Penn State: to improve my social skills and have some fun!</p>

<p>I think once I’m in one of my dream schools there will be more people like me I can approach. <em>^▁^</em></p>

<p>Id rather have a guy approach me but the ones I like never.If I do it myself I have a better chance but then the guy is usually taken so I just wait.</p>

<p>^^And shy guys are cute and easier to approach.</p>

<p>Agreed! I guess I’m pretty traditional and believe the guy should ask out the girl. :3 </p>

<p>Aww, shy guys are adorbs.</p>

<p>Shy girls are way easier to approach. As a guy (especially one like me who can be shy at times), you get really nervous approaching a confident girl because you fear her rejection. Girls that are a little shy are easier to talk to, less conceded, and more down to earth</p>

<p>:) i think shy people in general are easy to approach if you’re shy too.I make friends easier with shy people but to the populars im kind of weird or ‘i never talk’.its hard for me to make friends with outgoing people they’re always busy :&lt;/p>

<p>Lol same here^^ I guess you could call me popular because I’m known all over my school. If you ask about me, almost anyone can tell you something positive (and for the haters, negative) about me. The fact that I’m this year’s Homecoming King only added to my popularity. My school isn’t small either (1300+ students; Second largest school in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia). But in classes such as Anatomy, Econ & U.S. Gov, and Theology, I’m usually quiet and reserved. English is my best class socially :D</p>

<p>ya me too people know who i am but i dont know everyone personally like i wouldnt say im popular im not sure what my rep is but i know ppl know that im nice.</p>

<p>my english class is talkative too and my physics & stats class too i guess since the teachers are more laid back and its mostly seniors!</p>

<p>Hi. I’m a sophomore at one HYPS schools and this really struck a chord with me. Though the school is fairly diverse (at least in comparison to my HS) dating is still a real problem. There are black people I know in relationships but most aren’t. I wouldn’t say the percentage of people in black-black relationships here is lower than other races necessarily but I have frightening suspicion it is the case. I don’t know if its a direct result of the hook-up culture that is so prominent at these schools or race is involved. Literally, guys of all races hook up with anyone if you’re hot and available to be frank. Dating though there is less of. There is some interracial dating going on, usually black guys though.</p>

<p>My school is very diverse, and I have all kinds of friendly (weirdly no blacks lol). My friends range from Filipino to Asian to Fijian (sp?). I barley have any black friends because I’m usually the only AA student in most of my classes all throughout high school. It doesn’t bother me at all that I don’t have any black friends. lol</p>

<p>It’s weird that I’m just like most of you guys! lol I’m shy, and a lot of people at my school know me, but not personally. I have a few guy friends but, I’ve never had a bf (weird right?); I’ve always had little crushes here and there. :slight_smile: I’m open to all races actually, it’s just that I like guys who are smart and achievers like me! :wink: When I go to college, I’d actually would be open to interracial dating. I’ve always been a bit insecure because guys never approach me like that unless they have questions about hwk or something. :-/</p>

<p>ForeIn and alexis both have 367 posts. </p>

<p>I’ve always found it hard to get with non-black/hispanic girls. They always act like they’re scared or some ****. Black/Hispanic chicks have just been easier to socialize with in my experience.</p>

<p>I was thinking about this. At my school there are probably like 50 black people in my class of 649 and the majority are girls about 5 take AP classes (so I don’t really ever see the rest) I hope to have more successes in college but by the looks of this forum it’s not likely :frowning: I’m not opposed to dating outside my race but I feel most guys are intimidated to approach me because I’m also pretty tall which I see as a disadvantage in the dating game ( and thefact that most guys aren’t even done growing doesn’t help much )</p>

<p>Confidence, confidence, confidence. Insecurity, emotional volatility and high maintenance are all huge turn offs. </p>

<p>Just having a confidence about who you are is attractive to most people. Of course, if you have your sights set on one person or one type of person, it may not work for you. For the most part, knowing who you are and feeling confident and comfortable with that will attract those willing to also accept you for you.</p>

<p>I hear so much insecurity that I think the percentages of one or another ethnicity is lower down on the list of issues.</p>

<p>I used to be a shy guy. The day I decided to just be me was a huge release. Asking out ladies was far easier. I knew me and what I had to offer. If I was rejected, it was because I didn’t make my case well enough, not because I was flawed or we just weren’t a match so I’d move on.</p>

<p>I know. Easier said than done but still it’s very doable. </p>

<p>Remember, your date life is not limited to a single campus. Many colleges are near other colleges. Check that out as well.</p>

<p>well Merry Christmas everyone,i dont go on here that much or my other 2 hair forums because this really addicting game on phone is making me MIA.</p>

<p>^^^^ or vvvvv (not sure the layout)is right Confidence is Key! I think you have to accept yourself first and it’ll make like so much easier.</p>

<p>Nowadays im alright with being shy but once i get to know someone i open up,im not as scared to met new people because its pretty cool/fun.</p>

<p>Anyways id say dont worry about the race thing,if you like someone that’s different from you its ok and theyre a chance he/she might feel the same way :wink:
I say its good to have a diverse set of friends even if theyre black caz if you dont have class with alot its hard to befriend people out of your classes.</p>

<p>I’m going to community college next year but Good Luck to those living on campus,or commuting and in high school!
Sent from my SPH-M910 using CC</p>