<p>Here is an excerpt from the Macalester website written by a recent grad. Research opportunities are easily available at Mac, probably more so then at a large university.</p>
<p>Research opportunities for undergraduates are an exceptional hallmark of Macalester. </p>
<p>Graduate schools look for students who have strong research potential. In economics they generally look at three criteria: strong college grades, the graduate school exam and the letters of recommendation. The academic sophistication I developed as a student at Macalester, coupled with its resources, made me an attractive candidate on all three counts for Princeton, where I'm doing graduate work in economics.</p>
<p>At Macalester there is an atmosphere of cooperation in scholarship, where small class sizes guarantee that professors will have time to listen and work with your ideas. In one instance, in an econometrics course, a fellow student and I realized that our final projects for the course would be heavily reliant on a technique that had not been covered in class. Our professor actually set aside a few hours over the week to give us a series of lectures on this method.</p>
<p>Because I worked with faculty on a constant basis, my professors knew me well and could write thorough recommendations on my behalf, something that graduate schools emphasize.</p>
<p>Coming from Macalester I had a striking advantage over many Princeton candidates, because I had done serious research. During the summer after my junior year, I was a paid research assistant for a professor in the Math Department. This was the first opportunity I had to do full-time research and I loved it. This experience confirmed for me that I actually wanted to pursue a graduate education. After I got into grad school the most frequent comment I heard from the Princeton admission staff was how impressed they had been with my research project.</p>
<p>Simply put, there is no way I could have done paid research in a larger university where graduate students receive most research funds. Research opportunities for undergraduates are an exceptional hallmark of Macalester.</p>
<p>When the time came to choose a school, my professors gave me valuable insight into which schools would be a good match for me and put me in contact with Macalester alumni who were attending those schools. The alumni in turn provided me with the inside scoop on the Ph.D. programs I had been admitted to, which made my decision about where to attend a lot less daunting.</p>