Day on Campus

<p>My daughter is scheduled for Day on Campus June 12th (First Year Honors Engineering). I'd be interested in feedback from anyone about their course registration experiences. For example, is it all pretty well mapped out for you, or can the student request certain times/sections for classes? Are the advisors helpful?

<p>The classes are pretty much laid out in advance. The only differences will occur depending on test outs and AP courses. Engineering really doesn't offer to much customization as you go down its long road. </p>

<p>As far as times, the advisor's wont help you with those. You have to wait till the first day of school to make any time changes.</p>

<p>Also note that at Purdue the students don't choose their professors or time of class. You meet with your advisor, talk about the classes you want, the advisor looks to see if the classes are still open, and (I think it's the next day) the actual schedule is posted online. I was kind of surprised by not choosing class times (we have 3 in college and hadn't seen it before), but it really does work out. S was a freshman last year and his classes were spread well (not rushing to get clear across campus in 3 minutes or anything). I was surprised how effecient it was.</p>

<p>Also meant to tell you... we participated in the day on campus and found it to be really organized and useful. S did language testing, met with advisor, saw his dorm room, and had a welcome session from his department. They have a list of other sessions that you can choose to participate in - we did the study abroad one. I think the Day on Campus allowed him to get business done ahead of move in. Speaking of move-in, S also did the Boiler Gold Rush program which was also really organized and allowed the students to adjust to the school and make friends before class started. Our other 2 kids in college also had orientation programs at their schools but Boiler Gold Rush was easily the most organized and extensive. No standing around trying fill up time - they were really busy with group activities.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information! I'm a little surprised about them not having any input on the times for their classes. I'm sure my D will be in for a shock if she gets any 7:30 a.m. classes! Also, do you know how they handle class placement for courses that kids expect to get credit for, but don't know yet(since AP scores aren't reported until early July)?</p>

<p>I would definitely have your D talk to her advisor once she receives her scores...he/she ought to know the next step</p>

<p>students do not have any input during the first schedule run, but your D can use the "schedule of classes" (it's under the "general" tab on SSINFO) to figure out exactly how she would like to arrange her classes...I would recommend going to Schleman as early as possible on the first day of class with the desired division/section numbers in hand. Officially, we are not supposed to change class times just because they aren't "convenient" for us, but the personnel entering the changes are so swamped they cannot afford to ask each student for the reasons behind changes.</p>

<p>On a side note, BGR was amazing and it truly is a great opportunity to become familiar with campus, meet some upperclassmen, and possibly find people who share the same classes. For me, at least, it was also kind of a soft landing after leaving the nest, so to speak :) The whole program is very dynamic and packed with awesome activities like comedians and mini-seminars about campus life.</p>

<p>One more thing: if your daughter is on Facebook (isn't everyone?? :D), she might want to check out a group called "Middle Ground Textbooks" once she knows which books she will need....the prices at Follett's and University Bookstore are outrageous. MGT is basically a bunch of students from practically every major trying to help each other out.</p>

<p>Having survived my freshman year, I'm glad to help with anything else, too :)</p>


<p>I'm an incoming freshman and I wasn't going to do the BGR, but I keep hearing all these good things about it. I am doing a month long camp on the campus though for my major, CIT. Do you think this will help me more than the BGR will? I'm pretty sure my parents are only letting me do one. Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>stlmom, AP exam scores come out in early august. im waiting for my ap us exam :x</p>

<p>BGR was an awesome time to get to know people and get your bearings in West Lafayette, especially coming from out of state.</p>

<p>I felt BGR, and getting to school a week early, was key to my social beginnings. I'm not familiar with your CIT camp, but just thought I would give you my thoughts</p>

<p>I'm an incoming freshman doing AAE. Well, last year around 5000 of the 7000 students attended BGR. So that should give you an idea of how popular it is! Boiler up!</p>

<p>"stlmom, AP exam scores come out in early august. im waiting for my ap us exam :"</p>

<p>2007 AP exam scores are available by touchtone phone (for a $8 fee) from July 1, 2007 to mid-August. Scores are supposed to be mailed in mid-July. This info came from the CollegeBoard web site, but I can confirm that the phone scores are available.</p>

<p>Yes, the AP scores were available via the phone on July 1 (my daughter called and got them that day). She also received the report in the mail on Monday.<br>
I think we have to wait a few weeks before Purdue receives and processes them, and changes her schedule to place her in the appropriate class. Hopefully there will still be space available!</p>