<p>I started to get into this topic in the Clemson vs UA vs USC thread, but didn’t want to hijack it anymore than I already have.</p>
<p>All of us CCers clearly know that Alabama is a great school whose academics and reputation are improving constantly. So how do y’all (had to do it) deal with those who aren’t familiar with the school and think of Alabama as a state full of hicks and the school as, well, less than prestigious?</p>
<p>My father is the main issue for me. He wasn’t impressed with Bama when we visited; he sees it as a jock school, doesn’t like how spread out the campus is, etc. He wants me to choose a more prestigious school and has the close-minded “Why would you want to go to Alabama?” viewpoint. He is pressuring me to choose a school such as Clemson or Texas, which would cost an extra $120,000. (At least it’s an improvement from when he tried to talk me into a private school that would be $200,000+). While I’m grateful that he is willing to pay so much money to give me what he believes to be a better college experience, I have to choose the school that makes sense to me, both personally and financially.</p>
<p>My classmates are probably even worse. I go to a boarding school where everyone dreams of going to Ivys – most of my classmates who are aiming for top private schools cannot, for the life of them, understand why I, who they know has higher SAT scores than them, would want to go to University of Alabama or a similar school. All of my friends ask why I’m aiming so low. I know the best bet is just to ignore them because they’re simply being ignorant, but sometimes it becomes extremely frusturating.</p>
<p>Has anyone else had similar experiences? How do you deal with people who haven’t been enlightened to the wonderful-ness that is UA?</p>