<p>I would love to hear from a parent that has sent a son or daughter to Dean College .
The school seems to have wonderful support services for students with
Learning dissabilities. My question is how do you know when your
Student is mature enough to handle the social pressures of
College life? Although my child has spent the last four years at boarding school,
I'm not sure she is ready.</p>
<p>Why don’t you think she is ready?</p>
<p>Dean has great support services. We know several students who attended, and then finished bachelors degrees elsewhere.</p>
<p>But Dean is a college. Your student will need to learn to avail themselves of the services offered. No one is going to chase her down to get help. She needs to seek this herself.</p>
<p>Thanks for your reply, she is a great self advocate and I see her working well within the support services
that Dean College offers. My fear is that she seems very naive and could be taken advantage of. I am considering having her not attend for another year to give her time to grow up a bit more, although I know she will be very disappointed if she does not attend in the fall.</p>
<p>If she has been at a boarding high school, I’m not sure I understand why you are concerned. </p>
<p>Since she spends her time away from you at a boarding school you should discuss things with staff at her school. They should know which colleges are likely to be an academic and otherwise fit for her since they have seen her 24/7. Many absolutely normal HS students seem naïve et al. She may be more like her peer group in almost any college than you realize. Check with her guidance counselor early in the school year for suggestions.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your reply. The college was highly recommended by her guidance counselor. My fear stems from a few students I know from the same boarding school that left Dean College after the first semester… When I asked why the students were not returning to school I was told " they were to young "
Not sure what that means exactly.</p>
<p>I know someone whose kid went to Dean but left after one semester. He had other issues, apart from his LD, and just wasn’t coping well, even with all the support Dean has. </p>
<p>How far from home is Dean for you, OP? Maybe you would feel comfortable with a college not too far from home for your daughter. </p>
<p>Hi thank you for your reply. Did your friends child find a school/college that did meet their needs?</p>
<p>Hi, Dean College is about 1 hour away…</p>
<p>" Did your friends child find a school/college that did meet their needs? "</p>
<p>No. There are long standing mental health issues that makes it too difficult him. But he is in some sort of a residential program (OOS from where parents live) geared towards people who have those types of issues. TBH, I don’t ask to many questions beyond 'how is kid doing." </p>