Dean Scholars Invitation Question

Hello, I applied to Baruch through Macaulay all the way back in November 30th as my first choice. I only received my Baruch decision on March 27. By that time a lot of people had already heard back from Baruch in February and had already received an invite to apply for Baruch Honors/Dean Scholars. I have heard that you need to be invited to apply and that the invitation comes after you get accepted into Baruch. I know many people with lower stats than me that have gotten in, but then again they recieved their decisions back in Feb. while I got it back at the end of March. Can someone please inform me on whether they are still going to invite and accept or is this over already. I also still haven’t gotten my financial aid package yet so should I be worried because May 1st is approaching fast. Has anyone received an invite to Dean Scholars recently/does anyone have the same predicament as I do?