Dean's List Qualifications

<p>Hey, I'm a Business student here at A&M and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the requirements are to make the Dean's list here at A&M? (also if there are different requirements for each college could you specifically let me know what they are for Mays Business School)</p>


<p>3.5 and 15+ credit hours</p>

<p>I think that’s honor list or distinguished honors or something, the 3.5+ with 15 hours. I made 4 A’s and a B last semester an made that one. I think the deans list is 3.75+ with 15 hours. I made 4 As this Spring and didn’t make any list so 15 is the minimum.</p>

<p>I’m in Mays too.</p>

<p>There’s Distinguished Student and Dean’s Honor Roll for undergraduate students. The qualifications are the same for the entire university (not different for separate colleges within the university).</p>

<p>Distinguished Student:
At least 15 hours; semester GPR NLT 3.5</p>

<p>Dean’s Honor Roll:
At least 15 hours; semester GPR NLT 3.75 </p>

<p>First Semester Freshmen:
At least 15 hours; no grade lower than a C; no Q-drops; semester GPR NLT 3.5 (Distinguished) or 3.75 (Dean’s Honor Roll)</p>

<p>And finally:
-Hours earned with a grade of S shall not be included in determining minimum hours required for the designation of Distinguished Student or Dean’s Honor Roll.
-A grade of I or U disqualifies a student from being considered for either distinction.
-Students who use grade exclusion must still meet the minimum requirements in hours and grades to qualify for either distinction.
-Grades of Q, W, or NG may not be included in the 15 graded hours.
-Only undergraduate courses or graduate courses used for the undergraduate degree will be included in either honors calculation.</p>

<p>I’m sorry - I just looked at my daughter’s Deans list letter - it is 3.75 and 15+ cr. my prior post was totally wrong. SimpleLife above posted the rest of teh requirements.</p>

<p>Congrats to all of the above students and parents of students who have made those grades at A&M. While I realize we don’t have small classes, it is still a challenge to do that well regardless.</p>

<p>I’d also add that individual semesters don’t matter a great deal at the end. They are good for self esteem, for certain, but the goal at the end should be Cum Laude or above, with some leadership offices, if possible. I’m on a med school admissions committee and, once a student meets those standards, then they’ve met my standard for interview, other than a decent MCAT.</p>

<p>Again, congrats, I remember how much work it was at A&M.</p>