<p>How do you get those two awards? Are they even given out to ED applicants? Do Human Ecology applicants get them?
Anyone who knows stuff about these two "awards" please post information about them on here, I read the blurbs about them on their respective sites but they didn't provide a lot of information about HOW to get the awards.
<p>Meinig - you don’t apply - the selction committee selects form the applicants - it very much covers all the undergrads - it is used as an inducement or recruiting device BUTI believe I remember last year some one did say they were ED and got selected.</p>
<p>If you applied ED and got accepted, when would you get the notification that you got Meinig/Dean’s? I hope they give ED acceptees the awards. That would be icing on the cake of acceptance!</p>
<p>chandler- my kid was in the Tradition program. (also one of those special type awards) and was admitted to ILR in February during the rolling acceptance period (many years ago- as she just graduated in May)
she was not notified about her acceptance into the Tradition program until April after regular decision letters were sent out.</p>
<p>so if you are admitted ED (fingers crossed), you may not get official acceptance as a Menig Family scholar until later on in the process.
I can tell you that the Tradition awards were also based on financial need- so if no financial need is present, the Tradition gave a “book award” (or something like that) of $600. But kid had to have campus job as part of the Tradition program and she earned a few thousand in income. So it certainly helped out.</p>
<p>Ahhh okay, thanks for the info marny! That was really helpful.
I’m just praying for an ED acceptance here, but I saw some stuff about these award programs and they intrigued me.
I’d bet that Cornell is more willing to give them to RD applicants though, since they want to lure them: ED acceptees have to come.
So we’ll see! At least I won’t be looking for Meinig stuff, etc on decision day.</p>
<p>Note that the Tradition program (of which I am an alumnus) is also available to freshmen and sophomores who apply. It’s a great program and I heartily recommend it.</p>
<p>I am currently a Meinig Scholar, and yes, while HumEc students do get them, very few NY/NJ students get them.</p>
<p>Meinig prides itself on being the Meinig Family Cornell NATIONAL Scholars and thus usually tries to accept people from far across the country, I can’t even remember if there is a single NY student.</p>
<p>Tradition and Rawlings are much more easily populated by NY/NJ students, btw.</p>
<p>Ahh I see, so Meinig is mostly for out-of-staters…
Does Cornell prefer to give “Commitment” scholarships to RD applicants?
I would imagine so, since ED applicants who are accepted must attend, while they need to attract accepted RD applicants.</p>
<p>Short answer: yes.</p>
<p>Were you an RD applicant, Cayuga?
I was kind of expecting that answer, anyway. I think just getting into/going to Cornell is amazing enough in and of itself.</p>
<p>Yes. Finances were too much up in the air for me to ED anywhere. I EAed to Notre Dame, and RDed to Northwestern, Cornell, Case Western, Rochester, and Princeton.</p>
<p>Guess which school rejected me.</p>
<p>I’m going to guess… hmm this is a REALLY tough one… Cornell.
<p>But, wow, grats on getting into everywhere else! Northwestern and Notre Dame are quite the selective ones.</p>
<p>A big reason I ED’ed Cornell was because of the contract college reduced tuition, which was just icing on the cake of Cornell being my top choice.</p>
<p>Don’t forget, I applied way back when the acceptance rates to all of those schools save for one was over 30 percent, and you didn’t need to solve the cure for cancer while secretly yearning to be an investment banker to get in.</p>
<p>Still, those are some fine institutions. With the exception of the one you didn’t get in. Because Cornell>(than) that certain institution any day.</p>
<p>I might change my tune if I get rejected from Cornell, though.</p>
<p>Frankly, I consider myself blessed that I didn’t get accepted to Princeton as an undergraduate.</p>
<p>For graduate study on the other hand…</p>
<p>Really? I wouldn’t mind getting accepted to Princeton…</p>
<p>Did you get rejected from their grad school too?
I’m sure it’s about as epic as it gets…</p>
<p>i was accepted ED to ILR last december, and i was informed that i got Tradition in april. i had not applied for it so i was a bit baffled as to what the program actually entailed, but now that i am in it, i think that it is fabulous. not only do you get money for volunteering, but it is also a great incentive for me to actually get out of my dorm and get into the community. for all those who did not get it based on their applications, i highly recommend applying for the program.</p>
<p>Congrats on the acceptance! How do you like Cornell?
I hope I get into Cornell—>get into a commitment program
i’ve heard really positive things about them</p>
<p>ChandlerBing, I’d just like to commemorate your courageous spirit to discuss about possible awards to newly admitted freshman. I envy you. Share the secret before I do something regrettable to myself due to failing self esteem.</p>
<p>There’s nothing to envy… I’m not accepted and there’s a great possibility that I’ll be deferred/rejected. I’m just curious about these programs because I ran into them online and thought they were intriguing. Trust me, my Cornell-decision-self-esteem is at an all-time low right now. I want the decision now!</p>