<p>How was it guys? It thought it went really well. The paragraph reading was extremely easy, but the vocab was a bit hard. The fill ins were also really straight forward!!! Anticipating 700+ and I haven't taken French since two years ago.</p>
<p>Pretty easy…checked some of my answers in the Larousse afterwards
Hoping for an 800 :)</p>
<p>are u native?</p>
<p>It was all right. Reading was harder than on the Listening tests. I thought the vocab. ones were pretty ridiculous, random words that you need to know…</p>
<p>One of the passages was from a book I’ve read. Yay :)</p>
<p>No, I’m Romanian and I took AP French last year. I’ve also been to France twice.</p>
<p>Does anyone remember one about “ver” or something? I’m sure it was asking for the word for worm but they only use “ver” for worm for expressions in my dictionary. Thoughts…?</p>
<p>ver was offered as an answer. don’t know if I’ve circled it, though.</p>
<p>i thought it went pretty well, despite the inevitable vocab issues. i was crunched on time towards the end, though, so there’s a good chance i missed a lot from one of the reading passages…</p>
<p>A few questions:</p>
<p>What did you guys put for the last two fill-in questions dealing with trains, i.e. “les trains n’avaient _______ de ■■■■■■” (I put “rien” :S) and something about repeter (was it “en”?)? </p>
<p>Also, one of the reading passages came from L’enfant noir about the gold and the representatives…</p>
<p>And what was going on with the boutique question and what times it’s open? I was between B and C, which were “breakfast hour” and “every hour” but I didn’t think 10 AM was exactly breakfast hour o_o</p>
<p>Did you guys put “sac de voyage” for the one before that as well?</p>
<p>Ahhh… I really want to hear from anyone who took the test!</p>
<p>1) it was jamais, it was exactly as worded in PR
2) and it was lui repeter
3) idk about the gold passage, which question?
4) i put B, the one with dejeuner, but it was weird
5) it was echarpe, because it was NOT made of leather which is cuir</p>
<p>I am 100% sure on all these except #4…</p>
<p>um, I think I put “jamais” for the train one, if that was an option… I can’t really remember.</p>
<p>And I agree, that boutique question was weird. I ended up putting the “breakfast hour” thing I guess, only because it definitely wasn’t every hour! Wasn’t it only open from 10-7 or something like that? </p>
<p>Can’t remember the others, sorry!</p>
<p>wow, I totally missed the leather thing… great.
anyone know what the curve is like on this test?</p>
<p>u can skip 10 for an 800 or skip 26 for a 700, or skip about 39 for a 600</p>
<p>Great, thanks! :)</p>
<p>@BigWeight - yeah, but it said it sold Accessoires, and un echarpe is most def an accessory, whereas a suitcase really isn’t. </p>
<p>FUUUUUCK. Suitcase is not sac de voyage, it’s valise, right? :/</p>
<p>I also put the breakfast thing, jsyk.</p>
<p>and oh, that question about how many people are hungry in France - its 1/100, right? It seemed too easy. :/</p>
<p>^^^it said accesories de CUIR and CUIR means leather, and an echarpe is NNNNOOOOTTT leather. Sorry, u missed it, but u prolly got a lot of them right too</p>
<p>and yes it was 1 pour cent because 1/100.</p>
<p>I seriously don’t remember “echarpe” as one of the choices for that question.</p>
<p>EDIT: And how is it “jamais”? Or “lui”? BigWeight, please explain your answers and not just tell us that we’re wrong.</p>
<p>well, idk how to explain jamais, but the exact same sentence was in PR.</p>
<p>and for lui, there was “on” who was telling the girl and ON takes lui…i was pretty sure on both</p>
<p>what did u get for 19???it was about the sand burning the something?</p>
<p>the “jamais” one was because the sentence said something like “the train never comes late” or something… “jamais” indicates “never”</p>