***December 2015 SAT (US Only) Thread***



Yes @Ialwayspanic and did you guys say that the guy was dreading to be criticized for another vocab

It had to industrious. But can you explain why it can’t be them who are? I actually think that it was correct…

How many E’s did you guys get on the second part of the long writing section?

What did everyone get for the writing passage about how one of the sentences should start. One of the answers was in addition and i think another answer was “much like that” or something?

What was the purpose of the mountain Mars Venus passage?
Did you guys get “these planets are shaped by certain characteristics” as the purpose of the passage? Or was the purpose to compare volcanoes on different planets?

thanks guys and also what was the question that was like (a/b)^1/3 = 4 so (b/a) = ?

Yeah, please explain the “them” question.

@bobthebuilder13 I got 4

for the question about n things for n prices, did u guys get A? It was right before the grid ins.

Them is only used when it’s the object of a verb or preposition…wait was it?


I got 4 too!

What did everyone get for the cube that was painted red on all faces?

@hotlinebling33 it was 1/8

How about the question that sounded like "critically acclaimed " on the writing

you would say “those who are” not “them who are” i think

did you guys get unproductive but charming for the question where it asked the last paragraph described walking as…? because it said there was a lack of time to muse in an unstructutured setting

@bobthebuilder13 i second that, i got 4, that question i asked u about that and those was on the test lol

Did anyone get pertinent to some writing but not to creative writing for one of the CR questions

@hotlinebling33 that was my line of thinking