***December 2015 SAT (US Only) Thread***

This is a thread for anyone considering to take the SAT on Saturday, December 5, 2015 in the United States.

Use this thread to discuss preparation tips. The registration deadline is Thursday, November 5, 2015.

After the examination, you may discuss test questions, but do so at your own risk. Do NOT, however, post links to Google Docs, as they will be removed. On a similar note, do not ask for them either.

Good luck! :wink:

Welp… apparently I missed the deadline for the November test. Oh well, I guess I will have to take this one.

Who else is taking the December test here? Any tips on how to get a good score?

You can still register past the deadline but it’ll be about $28 more.

Will take this one

To all of you future test takers out there, I highly recommend Erica Meltzer’s Grammar Workbook to practice for the writing section. By studying from that book, I got an 800 on the writing section in October. It really helps!

Yes, but Meltzer’s CR book is pretty bad

I believe her CR book is outstanding. Perhaps I think so because she is “rectifying my thinking process” - I feel like she wrote this book as if she undertstands how I think and corrects my thinking.

Doing Dec too.

Meltzer’s CR book is great, but her writing book is a masterpiece. :bz

I don’t know why I put a bee here. :stuck_out_tongue:

@thetex -

Whoa there, this is way off base. I have several criticisms of it and I think it misses out on several important methods, but it’s one of the very best CR books available.

@marvin100 Could you please tell the rest of us what important methods you have? I didn’t do great on the October Critical Reading section, so I would greatly appreciate your advice. Thanks!

@ambitionsquared - sorry, but can’t share all my trade secrets :wink: but that said, I think there’s some very useful stuff in the Mike Barrett book.

is it bad to retake the old sat tests and tests from the blue book because i already took them?

@truculent You could, but it probably wouldn’t be as effective if you’ve already taken those exams. I’d suggest looking into other prep books for practice exams; even if they aren’t the most accurate representations of the actual SAT, it’s much better to take a new test. That’s my opinion though.

@azwu331 how do the Kaplan tests compare to the real test?

@truculent Truth be told, I’m not a big fan of Kaplan prep books. However, their practice tests are decent. I would also recommend the Princeton Review’s practice tests if you haven’t used them already.

Hey tuning in now mostly for the convo after! Got a 2110 in october with just about the worst curve in history. Somehow bombed my math section so im going mainly for the 800 math and a higher writing to superscore with my past reading. If anyone here has gotten a 12 on his essay please share how. I thought i was good then got a 9 in october

I really hope math will be easier than November’s.

Which books are you using to prepare? Also about how much time at night do you have to prepare?? I feel like I have 0 time to study so I am just hoping it won’t be too bad :)) plezz collegeboard take pity on me


My sat study schedule is integrated with school literally lol. I study word lists during ap euro, writing section during ap lit, and i do a math section at lunch time. Then if i have time after school i take a writing section