December 2017 ACT Discussion Thread

Hey guys!
I didn’t see a thread for the December 2017 ACT so I figured I would make one.
Looking forward to seeing how my scores change from this upcoming test to the June 2018 test, I’m taking a heavy test prep for June :slight_smile:
Do you guys have any strategies yet? Any test prep tips?

@lavenderstudies why did you decide to take it now and then again in June 2018. I have never heard of this type of strategy. I would not recommend taking it cold in December to gauge it. Some colleges require you to send in all scores - meaning all of the ACTs you have taken. I would ONLY take the test once prepared thoroughly. If you want practice, take a full length practice test at home and see how you do.

Hi LvMyKids2!
The reason I am taking the test in December and then June is because I am going to be taking an extended ACT prep course in the beginning of 2018. I want to see how much my score jumps from before the prep and afterwards to gauge how much it actually helps. I have already taken the ACT before and I have already taken multiple practice tests. And don’t worry, I am not going into that test without any prep; that would simply be a waste of time. I do appreciate your concern though!

@lavenderstudies sounds like you have a plan. I just know with both my kids they studied first and then took the test - signing up for testing dates in a row (not spread out over a year or so). Just remember, you may have to report all the ACT scores and it is the opinion of most that colleges don’t mind seeing 2 or 3 tests, but any more is not a good sign.

Thanks for the URL!
Trust me, I know it’s incredibly unconventional to take the test so spread out. It was not my choice to take it this way; my school requires me to take a 5-month ACT Prep course with 90-minute classes every other day as a way for the school to have better ACT scores as a whole. I have multiple test prep books already with me and I am currently preparing for the test in December, but the reason I am waiting so long to take the test again is to see how much the course helps me, since I will be starting the course in January and completing the course in late May. I also have time to take the test spread out this way, as none of my scores are due for a while.
I would not be taking the ACT in this way if I had the choice; this is required of me to take it this way. I am just attempting to manipulate it in the best way that I can to fit what I need out of the course. It’s definitely unconventional, but it’s the best I can do with what I have been given.
And @LvMyKids2 I do know I have to report all of my scores; that’s why I am not going into December cold turkey. I simply want to see if that course helps me out any more than what I am capable of doing on my own. Sorry if I didn’t make this clear! I am aiming to be done after June, leaving me with three tests (including one I took previously.)

A little more than a week till the test how are you guys feeling?

Taking it again, my last time. Feeling OK about science, math I need to crack down on, I just need to boost my math score 5 points. I have a bunch of resources and practice tests printed out, doing those tonight! But for science I’m almost done with for the love of act science (SUPER helpful!) and I have some science tests printed out to work on too. I just need a 33, have a 30 currently. Let’s goooo.

Good luck to y’all!

Having trouble with reading… any tips?

My kid is scheduled to sit the ACT for the first time next week. He took a book practice test with no time limits and got 34s, 31w, 30r and 26m. It’s kind of obvious where the weak link is. Anyhow, I’m forcing him to go to his calculus teacher and ask if she can do some extra tutoring during the week to bring up the math. He’s aiming for some very selective colleges so the above scores won’t cut it where he wants to go, but they’re perfectly decent for any number of fine institutions.

I was surprised his reading and writing scores were so low, so I’m thinking they’re also a good place for him to do a bit of studying. But obviously he’s not going to get to a 36 in one week.

Good luck to you.

@ninakatarina I’ve noticed, unlike SAT, ACT math is a lot like what you learn in school. So for me I’ve always done well in math at school and ended up getting a 29 on math (I’m in pre calc rn) I think it’s on the low side for me because I need to clean up/remember some stuff I learned in geometry

ACT tomorrow :frowning:

Last standardized test ever for DS. He’s hoping to use it as a substitute for science subject tests. Can anyone shed any light on this? Are high ACT science scores equivalent to SAT subj tests?

@VegasRoller I think there might be a very few schools that will accept either the ACT or the SAT with two subject tests. Not positive though. It sounds like your DS must have done the research.

My junior is taking his first (and probably last) ACT tomorrow. He took the timed official practice test in the current booklet and got a 35E, 33M, 32R and 31S. That’s all the prep he plans to do beyond looking at some math formulas tonight. He’s hoping to beat his 1480 SAT (which I guess is a 32?) He had a 770/780M on the SAT so I’m a little confused by this 35 English score, ha.

If he doesn’t get a 33, he’ll probably retake the SAT since it seems to have fewer “moving parts” to worry about and since more schools super score it. He’s interested in a school that seems to require at least a 1490 or 33 for merit otherwise he probably wouldn’t bother.

@eh1234 Thanks. Good luck to your junior! My son’s ACT got cancelled due to weather.

Kiddo takes the ACT in just about two hours, and I’m the one who has been up all night anxious about it. I nagged him into doing a single practice test, last weekend, and his scores on a completely untimed test were decent, but nowhere near high enough to get into the schools he wants. So of course he’s spent the week goofing off in the evenings, playing video games and obsessing over not getting a part in the school play.

Well. My kid’s a junior, he’ll have time to retake the test. I’m hoping for a result better than I expect, but also bracing for the worst.

Good luck to everyone taking the ACT this morning! I hope all of your studying pays off, and you get the score you want!

Aaaand, they closed the schools, kiddo gets a reprieve.

Ditto. I’m the one stress and kiddo was just grumpy this AM. She even left her water bottle and snack in the car. Once her scores come back I plan on making a spread sheet of potential colleges, her scores verses their mid range. Hoping its a motivator for the February test.

@ninakatarina Sounds exactly like my kid. $300 prep course online and I keep getting messages that not a single practice test has been attempted. He’s more interested in playing Clash Royale at this point.

How was it for you guys? Math was surprisingly hard for me and wasn’t able to finish so I had to guess