December ACT 2008 Sunday Test

<p>Was it just my luck or was this test the same as the september test for everyone?</p>

<p>I had to revisit HOV and HOT in reading!</p>

<p>How was the science section? :p</p>

<p>easier now that ive seen it twice. and im betting easier than the saturday which everyone is saying was rediculousss</p>

<p>I wonder what reaction would occur if they found out and revoked all the scores from that date.</p>

<p>I hope not!
I think all sunday tests are old tests so now i understnad how they figure out the curve because such a singnificantly lower amount of people take it. they use the one they already have.
I am just glad to be done with standardized testing.</p>

<p>wait what?</p>

<p>Sunday tests are the same as previously used tests?</p>

<p>Can anyone signup to take a Sunday test then? It doesn’t show it (at least I can’t find it) on the act website</p>

<p>Was it really exactly the same as the September test? What other passages were on it?</p>

<p>Cuz dang if that was exactly the same as the Sept test I totally would’ve aced everything because I remember the answers pretty well.</p>

<p>Lol I would’ve much rather taken a test that I’ve already taken rather than the beast that was the Dec ACT.</p>

<p>Was there also a passage about a piano store and a guy who visits it? The guy says pianos should never be transported by ship. What about the bat one and how bats can hear so well and echolocation? The first one was about some hispanic/spanish kid and his family.</p>

<p>After the first passage in english, i started to remember every single question. I was just looking at the threads on the sept ACT and it was the same. i shouldve ordered that test and reviewed the answers.
oh and i was just making an assumption that sunday tests are the old tests.
i did have a conflict (religious) for the saturday test so this was my first sunday test.</p>

<p>Dude that is totally not fair. I should’ve taken the Sunday test lol. You’d think they’d give you a test that’s like 5 years old, not one that you might have taken three months ago. I’m pretty sure I would have gotten at least a 35 if not a 36 on that.</p>