<p>Barack Obama and John McCain had their chance. Now, it's our turn.</p>
<p>Our turn to advocate change and a brighter future. Our turn to call for reform, prosperity, and peace.</p>
<p>My friends, we have (almost) come to the end of a long journey.</p>
<p>It has not been easy; there have been ups and downs, tears and cheers as we read the outcomes of fellow students applying to other top schools. But we all knew it would be tough when we took on the Yale Challenge on November 1st.</p>
<p>It is going to be a close race this year; more candidates than ever before are participating in this campaign. However, keep up hope and remember that it is our turn to say YES WE CAN as we wait to learn the outcome of all our hard work.</p>
<p>Yale-hopefuls never quit. We never surrender. We never hide from history, we make history.</p>
<p>Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.</p>